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"So uh...where we goin again?"

Snape made a 'tched' sound while Dumbledore smiled in humor.
"The place you're going to be staying Constantine, keep up!"

"Now now, Servus, Mr. Constantine is still quite new to everything! It'll take time for him to fully rap his head around everything, it hasn't been a full day since he's become aware that he wasn't the only one with magic."
He gave John a kind look.

"The Leaky Cauldron young John."

John himself was torn.

He kinda liked the old geezer, but he wasn't used to so much understanding.
Not towards him anyways...

He felt the corner of his lip quiver into a small frown as the eldest wizard straightened his view again, then to seemingly start to engage the greaseful male in conversation.

Damn these childish new....or old-systems!
He wasn't going to get anything done if he kept this up!


He twisted his neck to McGonagall, the closest teacher and on his right.
"Hey Miss G?"

She quirked her brow with a slightly(probably) offended frown.
"Mr. Constantine when you are in school I expect you to know what is appropriate in respectful terms."

"So no 'Miss G'? Oh well-anyway, about that school businesses; Whats it like?"

John couldn't help his curiosity, a magic school! How was this not some famously popular novel somewhere?!

She blinked at the sudden interest.
"Well.....it is a boarding school of sorts. You'll be living on campus throughout the year-"

John wanted to groan-so it was a boarding school!

"-there will be a numerous variety of classes to attend, as well as a selective amount of electives. As a first year, majority of your course will be focused on what's required."

"What are some classes teach?"
John asked with an authentic amount of interest, if he wasn't currently up against a potentially powerful demon that send him to a alternate reality...or dimension.....or universe-God bless it! There were to many of those!

"I mean, I couldn't have a lick of a chance in knowing what kind of class is considered normal in a wizard's standing."

The Professor nodded, "Very well Constantine."

"Thinking of the course line that you'll participate in, within the following month and a half....most first years take an Intro to Charms, and Intro to Potions, History 1, an Intro to Defense Against the Dark Arts, an Intro to broom flying-"

John choked on air for two reasons.
No make that three

The amount and variety of classes they held

Defense Against The Dark Arts.
How useful would that be in his kind of work?! Depending on how long he'd be there-he certainly knew which class to pay attention to!

"Wait-Wait-Wait-A FLYING class?!"
John's eyes blew wide with an open amount of surprise, and to his dismay a childish amount of excitement as well.

McGonagall wasn't surprised at the new first year's curiosity, all her students had questions.
From Purebloods to Muggleborn, they all had interests on their pending curriculum.

John Constantine and The Useless Magic RockWhere stories live. Discover now