Chapter 35

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A/N: So yeah guys, early update in celebration of 1K reads. Enjoy this! This is for you guys who helped me reach 1K.😁😁😇😇


Karen's POV

All the horses halt as we sit on top of them, starstruck. The wolf bares its sharp fangs at us and I see Darius immediately drawing his sword and Caspian and Iris positioning their bows. Looking in front of me, I see Kevin has also already drawn his sword and I waste no time in taking mine out. All of this happens in the flick of a second so it appears as if it all happened at the same time.

Darius jumps out of his horse, followed by me and Kevin and then Iris and Caspian. The wolf looks at our group left to right and then its golden eyes settle upon mine. I can feel my heart racing and I sense the danger. 

This can be no good!

"We are here to cause no harm, Gunnolf!" says Darius, sternly looking up at the big black wolf. The wolf growls hard, its eyes still on mine, and Caspian chuckles. 

Why the hell is he laughing?

"We don't speak with your wolf, Gunnolf. Please shift back," says Caspian. The wolf still has its eyes on mine making all of the others turn their heads to me. My eyes stay on the giant wolf's sun-like eyes.

"Karen...." Someone calls but I don't turn my head to them.


I command the wolf.

The wolf doesn't budge but instead, it growls. It takes a step forward and the weapons behind me raise higher.

"Gunnolf, we are here to cause no harm. You take your step of attacking us and you will have to face the consequences." Caspian warns angrily.

"Please shift back, so we can talk in peace," says Darius.

Listen to them! Shift back! 

I command Gunnolf with more intensity.

All heads again turn to me but my eyes stay fixed on the golden ones in front of me. It grunts and to my surprise, the wolf begins to step back and then walks away to disappear behind the trees.

What was that?

I turn back to my friends. They visibly flinch and Darius puts his sword back in the scabbard, rushes over to me, and cups my face.

"Why are you clenching your jaw? Why are you so angry, pudding?" he asks, worried. I realize that my jaw is clenched tight, gritting my teeth and I immediately release them and along with it, the breath I was holding. 

Why was I clenching my teeth? And how did I just speak to the wolf?

"And your eyes are gold again," he observes. 

They turn gold only when something intense is going on inside me.

"Oh my god!" exclaims Iris upon seeing the color of my eyes.

"Yeah, that happens when I am excited or nervous or angry or experiencing any strong emotions," I say, removing Darius' hands from my face.

"When was the last time that happened?" Iris asks.


When yer Caspy caspy was makin' out with me, duh!

"Let's forget about it, Gunnolf will come now and then we will probably have to go to Lucian and then Darius, you know what will happen next," Caspian says.

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