Chapter 38

41 15 18

Karen's POV

I groan as my waist keeps shaking vigorously. Opening my eyes, I see someone's skin in front of me and jolt upright.

"What the hell happened here last night?" I hear Iris giggling. I look down at a sleepy and shirtless Darius and the events of last night come flooding to my head. 


"Parvulus, what are you doing?" Darius groans when Iris starts shaking him as well.

"What are you shirtless?" she giggles. He looks down at his body and smirks.

"Can you pass me my shirt, parvulus?" he requests nicely and she reaches behind her to grab his t-shirt and hands it to him and he puts it on.

"So what happened last night, guys?" she smirks.

Darius shrugs. "Nothing, it was hot so I took off my shirt." 

"You liar!" she yells. "We heard her moaning last night. And I thought she was annoyed with you just like you annoy me. And now you are shirtless and she is clinging to you as I cuddle with Kevin. What did ya'll do?" 

"We...umm...we might have kissed..." I mumble. She squeals and jumps to hug me, squeezing the life out of me. I think this was the exact way I reacted when Kevin and Iris kissed for the first time. 

Yup, this is how I reacted!

Darius looks flushed when she hugs him too.

"Anyways, now I get to call you guys lovebirds. Get ready, cause we have to leave soon, though!" she says. "See ya later!" she shouts and skips out of our tent.

I groan and fall back on Darius' chest, relishing the warmth radiating from his body as I nuzzle my face into the crook of his neck.

"I want to sleep more!" I moan and he chuckles.

"You slept enough, pudding!"


"We have to go, come on get up!"


I rest my head on Darius' back as we ride along the trail of tall grass in the valley. With merely five hours of sleep and tiring travel all day, it so hard to keep up our energy levels. Iris is literally sleeping on Kevin but I can't blame her. She looks funny though since her mouth is parted open.

In estimation, we might reach Interlacus in two days, if we don't have any other interruptions. The last time we all ate was yesterday night, and we did have a pretty good meal, so our supplies have reduced to near halfway.

The only thing that we should fear is passing The Dark Forest. Darius and Caspian explained the Dark Forest as a dangerous place, and we must be extremely careful while we pass through it. Centaurs, ghouls, and even a pack of werewolves live there. And the last thing I need will be another werewolf encounter.

Some of those traps that we learned about also might be there. So long story short, we should be extra careful. And staying on watch won't be feasible since we will be very tired and we will definitely have to put on a protection spell whenever we decide to stop in between the forest since we can't cross the whole thing in one day.

But after the end of the forest, the mountain range will be over and then there are only a few miles of grassland to Interlacus. And today we will enter the Dark Forest.

Once we enter The Dark Forest, I understand why it is called the Dark Forest. All the sunlight, that was blinding our eyes before is now cut off by the huge trees' shades. Literally, there is no such thing as sunlight passing through the canopy. Only faint traces of light can be seen, and I am sure that we won't be able to see anything in the night. And a light in a usually dark place is unusual so we have to use our torches carefully in order to not attract visitors.

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