12. Percy

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I came to my senses as my eyes flickered open. I looked down and I was in a orange T-shirt that was slightly too small for me and a pie of brown shorts that were too big.

I rubbed my eyes as I got out of bed and looked at the room around me, the walls were a pale shade of blue with white skirting boards around the place. A suit was hung up on the doors of my wardrobe, with a tie.

"Well, crap." I whispered, I never learned how to tie a tie. The only person I know that can do it, other than Paul, I suspect he's in an early meeting, was this girl who I hadn't talked to in years.

I got dressed and held the tie in my hands, why and I wearing a tie today?, i thought to myself. I looked again at the walls to see if I had a time table, like they used it give me when I was 7, but alas the walls were bare.

I walked out the door, hoping that there was a guard there who could tie a tie. Ah, nope, it's Leo. "Repair boy?" I said, he turned to look at me, "You know it!"

"Do you know how to tie a tie, Leo?" I asked hopefully, he shook his head and I dropped mine. "You don't know why I'm wearing tie, do you?"

"Dude! It's the Report! Did you forget?"

"Well obviously, thanks," I headed down the stairs too the selected rooms, maybe one of then could help.

The first door I knew was Piper MCLean but I decided not to bother her. According to legend from the other selected girls, she would scream if you woke her up before she needed too, and I didn't want a screaming girl in my hands.

The next door along was Annabeth, I figured she must be able to do it. She's smart, I saw how many books she brought with her, and not just fun books but smart books.

I knocked three times and a maid came to the door, she lifted a finger to her lips and opened the door and I could see the sleeping figure of Annabeth in her bed. Her curls weren't knotted or anything, it was like she had done her hair in her sleep.

"Can I wake her up?" I asked quietly to the maid, she shared a look with the one stood at the door of the bathroom and they both nodded at me.

I crept forward quietly, and then I was next to her I went right up next to her ear and whispered "Wise Girl? Are you dead?" She shot up and nearly punched me in the face.

"Percy? Oh my gods you scared the schist our of me!"

"It's the report tonight, I need to wear a suit and I don't know how to tie a tie. Help!" I whined like a little kid as she pulled the covers off her legs.

I passed her the tie and she knelt up on her knees to reach the collar of my shirt. "You must have something else up there-" she looked up at the top of my head before continuing-"if you, the prince who had probably been told this a million times, don't know how to tie a tie," 

"Oh yeah, shut up," I said as she finished tightening it. It was a pale blue colour as the jacket I was wearing was a light grey. "See you next time Wise Girl," I said as I left the room.

"As long as your not calling me Annie, go ahead. It's a compliment anyway!" She shouted after me. I laughed loudly as I headed down back up to my moms room.

I knocked and let myself in "Hey mom," I said as I shut to door behind me. "How are you?"

"I'm good honey, how are you?" She smiled widely, like she had something planned.

"I'm alright,"

"Did you tie that yourself?"

"Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but no, Annabeth did,"  her smirk was contagious, and soon I could feel myself grinning.

"Annabeth? Which one of the girls is that?"

"Pretty blond hair, beautiful grey eyes, very smart,"

"Ah yes! She's the one that you were helping with her cutlery! She's is very pretty," Mom said, she looks like she's about to faint with how much smiling she was doing.

"Okay, calm down. All of the girls are pretty, she's just very pretty."

"Okay, moving on. Have you got any favourites? Not to make the girls sound like material objects." She questioned. She was still smiling like a madwoman.

"Well, I said before to Grover, if I had to pick 4 to stay I would pick Annabeth, Rachel, Hazel and Piper."

"I'm sure they're very nice girls. Now, lets head down to breakfast before we go to the report. It's rather early this time," she straightened her earrings and we walked down to breakfast.

Everyone looked terribly nervous, except a few of the girls who were just completely chill. Normally there would have been a report every week but, as of this selection, we have decided to limit it to one a month for the stress of the girls. Apparently, in my grandfathers selection, a girl threw up and had to be sent home.

I sat with my family this time, on the raised platform table.

About half way through the meal, the doors banged open. Paul and mom shared a look as I lifted my head to see who the mysterious intruder was.

"Brother!" Tyson shouted

"Big Guy?"

"It's me!"

I stood up and ran over to him, Tyson is only 13 but he's as tall as me.

"Tyson?" One of the girls stood from the table.

"Annie?" Tyson said, turning around to face her.

"How do you to know each other?" I asked, Annabeth looked into his eyes and he gave a slight nod.

"I met him at a book shop a while ago, I didn't realise he was your brother!" She pulled him into a hug and i could hear the slight mumble of talking.

I looked back towards the selected and they were all staring at us 3; understandably since we just ran up to each other and started hugging.

"Come, come!" I said, waving at Annabeth and pulling him towards the table. I took a spare chair from the back of the room and sat Tyson down next to me. Looking back at Annabeth, I felt bad, I could see all the girls were bombarding her with questions. She was getting worked up, I could see her hold her hand to her heart and I sprung up quicker than you can say 'What was that all about Annabeth?'

I ran all the way down to her chair and caught her just before it fell to the floor and she would have smashed her head in. Her head hit the floor slightly but nothing more than a bump, yet there was blood leaking from the place where she had fallen.

There was a collective gasp as I pushed her chair back up and stood her up with her arms around my shoulder. "I'm going to take her to doctor Solace." I announced before scurrying out of the hall.

Hi! I just wanted to thank everyone who's commented, voted and read this story. I mean, 130 reads! That's crazy! I honestly didn't think this would amount to anything and I really hope you enjoy the rest of the book. Thank you!


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