21. lost her!

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Adiba's POV,

I woke up breathing heavily and sweating. I could feel the sun rays hitting my close eyes. but that wasn't the disturbing but the heavyweight on me. I slowly open my eyes to found someone sleeping on me. I was startled. My whole body stiffened for a few seconds before everything had happened last night began flashing in my mind making my eyes burn and heartbroken into million pieces. I wanted to scream I wanted to kill him but for now, I wanted to be away from him. Putting my hands on his shoulder I push his filthy body away from me. He groaned but didn't wake up. I glance at the clock and it showed 6:30 am.

Getting out of the bed I pick some clothes with me and ran to the bathroom.

Sitting on the shower I broke. I let myself mourn on my fate. My hands started rubbing roughly on my skin. I just wanted redemption from that night. I wanted his touches, his feelings to be erased but who I was kidding, his feeling will be never erased. The wound he gave me will be never healed. When a person whom we loved gives us a wound, the pain was even greater and would never be able to heal.

A screamed left my mouth when I realised I was ruined by my love. I loved the monster. I trusted a man who was an animal. I cried out loud. The pain and agony felt like increasing every passing second. I pulled my hair. I didn't know what to do. I just wanted to disappear. I wanted to hide somewhere and never wanted to face this cruel world.

I scrub my skin until it stang while crying all the time. I didn't know how much time I've spent in the shower but I stood up numb when I decided what I'll do next.

Coming out of the washroom after getting dressed. I look toward the bed where sameer was sleeping peacefully after ruining me. I don't have strength left to do anything but I need to do this before he wakes up. I look at the clock and it showed 7:45 am. I look at the suitcases and found everything was scattered. Sitting on the floor I again put those clothes on the suitcase and close it. Walking toward the bedside table I took out my phone and a notebook and pen. After taking down the address and phone number I put that mobile on the table again. Wrapping my dupatta around me I took that suitcase and walk out of the room.

I know I shouldn't run away. I should confront him. I should ask him why he ruined me. I should make him pay for his crime but I know I didn't have the energy to do anything. I couldn't fight against him. No one will believe me. I was staying with him past few months. Most of the people think of me as his wife. I know I couldn't prove him guilty. I couldn't do anything other than running away. Like always.

I walk out of the house wiping my tears. Guard stare at me for second before opening the gate. He knows me very well and never stop me from going anywhere. He was just looked confused founding me with the suitcase.

"Do you want me to ask the driver to drop you anywhere?" He asked.

"No.. I'll manage" I tried to look normal with a small fake smile but couldn't. I didn't waste a second and headed out.

I took a taxi which I found on the street and sat inside giving the address to the driver.

As the taxi drove away from there my tears again started falling. I cover my mouth and closed my eyes tightly while weeping silently.

Why you did this sameer.!? Why!? I'll never forgive you! I hate you! I hate you! I hate you!!!


Sameer's POV

"Aah," a sharp pain shot in my head. Groaning I turn another side for some more sleep. Who open this damn curtains?


I know she did this. Before going downstairs she always does that. Groaning I slowly open my eyes but again close it as the painful sun lights hit my sleepy eyes increasing my headaches. After a few minutes I finally adjust my vision and open my eyes. I found myself in a different room. I jolted up when I realised its Adi's room. "Ouch" I held my head cause its freaking paining.

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