Chapter Fifty

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"No," I said quickly turning to face him

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"No," I said quickly turning to face him. As our eyes met I could feel the blood rush to my face.

"So just me then?"

When he asked this question he raised an eyebrow and smirked. I shifted my eyes and stayed silent because in truth I didn't know how to answer that. It's not like I go around kissing dudes, but every sentence to defend myself I ran through in my head sounded bad. Dammit.

We stood there in silence for a minute before Ba Wei cleared his throat. I looked up at him to see that he was walking towards me. I immediately began to step backwards.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm going to the roof," he responded. "That is where I told you to come."

I was about to try to explain why I was somewhat late, but before I could he had already started walking up the stairs. I stared at his back for a minute and ran a hand through my hair. This isn't going good.

I stood there until Ba Wei was out of sight before I started to climb the stairs. With each step a scenario played in my head, and none of them were good. Why was I overthinking this. All I had to do was apologize for doing something weird but I didn't want to. As much as I wish I could say I didn't enjoy that kiss I couldn't. What is wrong with me?

When I stepped out onto the roof I noticed that Ba Wei was sitting against the railing. You can do this. I slowly walked over to him and took a seat beside him. He glanced at me but didn't say anything and I didn't say anything either. I looked over at him and began to pick at my fingers. Just say it. Even if you don't want to.

"I'm," I started. My heart was beating fast and even though I didn't want to say this phrase I knew I had to if I wanted things to go back to normal. "I'm sorry."

When that sentence left my mouth Ba Wei immediately looked at me, and even without looking at him I could feel his eyes on me.


"For kissing you."

I could physically feel my throat drying out as I finished that sentence. It was a lie, and even the thought of putting that sentence together made my heart hurt. I was waiting for Ba Wei to say something, but he didn't. I looked over at him to see that he was looking down at the cement ground. He hates me. He thinks I'm gross.

"I know I must have freaked you out so I apologize," I said quickly, "I was drunk and I know you must think I'm gro-"

Before I could finish that sentence lips pressed against mine cutting me off. It took me a few moments before I realized what was happening. He's kissing me. Ba Wei is kissing me. My eyes widened as Ba Wei pulled away. I was speechless. In all honesty I was in shock. I didn't know what to say or to do so I just sat there staring at him for a few minutes. As I looked over his face for the first time I could read it. Nervous. He was nervous.

"Why did you," I asked as I touched my lips?

"Because I wanted to."

"What do you me-"

"I don't think you're gross," he started. " I actually think you're very much cute."

As he said those words he didn't look at me once. even though he had just called me cute I didn't react at all. Wait, he doesn't think I'm gross?

"Wait so you don't hate me," I asked confused?

"No. why would I?"

"I," I started. I didn't understand anything that was happening. I went through a million scenarios in my head and none of them involved Ba Wei not being upset. In this particular situation I didn't know how to react at all. He said he didn't think I was gross. What do I do with that information. My mind was blank and I just stared at him.

"Do you regret kissing me?" This sentence caught my attention and my eyes snapped to his. I wanted to say yes, but it wouldn't leave my mouth and in the end I just was honest.


My voice came out as a whimper and I shifted my eyes to the ground. I heard a chuckle come from beside me and I immediately looked over at him.

"I'm glad because I don't regret kissing you," he said as a smile spread across his face.

My face began to heat up as I processed what he said. I cocked an eyebrow and Ba Wei reached a hand out towards me. Before I could react his hand landed on my head and he started to fluff my hair. My eyes widened and I quickly moved away.

"What? This surprises you but me kissing you doesn't?"

"That's not it," I said quickly. I knew my face was the shade of a strawberry, and as usual it amused Ba Wei.

"You're so easy to fluster."

He was smiling as he said this and I just looked at the ground. I didn't say anything in return and silence followed. I thought it would awkward but it wasn't. It was pretty comfortable. If I'm being honest, I didn't think he would speak to me again. Yet he was sitting beside me right now. He even kissed me. I couldn't help but wonder if he actually was interested in men. Interested in me.

"Do you usually kiss men," I asked slowly

Ba Wei let out a laugh, "Why? Getting jealous?"

"No," I said rather quickly. "I'm just curious."

Even though I said that I wanted a certain answer. I wanted him to say that I was the first guy he kissed. Even thinking such a thought made me feel childish.

"No, but I've always been interested in men." He ran a hand through his hair and glanced at me, "you are the first I've kissed though."

I couldn't help but smile slightly after hearing that sentence. Wait, why am I happy about this? I couldn't answer that question but I did know that even looking at Ba Wei gave me butterflies.

"I can't say that I've always been interested in men," I started, "but you are the first guy I've kissed."

"I'm glad I'm your first."

I ran a hand through my hair and looked over at him. As I stared at him I felt the urge to kiss him. I furrowed my eyebrows and bit the inside of my cheek. Stop thinking about it.

I turned my attention back to Ba Wei and I noticed that he had gotten on his phone. I leaned over slightly and noticed that he was playing mahjong.

"You're playing that game again?"

"What," he looked up at me, "I like it."

I chucked, "you're a childish handsome guy." He looked back down at his phone and I could see the fault smile that spread across his lips.

"Is that a complement or an insult."

I reached out and ran  my hands through his hair. It's soft. Ba Wei's body stiffened and my heart beat sped up. I should have removed my hand after I reached his nape, but I instead let my fingers linger there. I let my fingertips brush against his skins and to my surprise  Ba Wei relaxed and went back to playing his game. How strange.

"It's both," I said as I removed my hand.

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