Chapter 1

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Why had they decided to go out? Let's face it, every time they did, they just ended up getting noticed by a load of insane fan girls, which, conveniently, was what was happening presently. Just the price they had to pay for being Beatles, huh?

"Run, lads!" John Lennon shouted as he spotted the mob of fan girls hurdling towards him and his three mates.

"I'm trying, John! But you know I can't run very fast!" Ringo Starr huffed, with a slight roll of his sad, blue eyes.

"Just do your best, Rings," Paul McCartney smiled to the drummer, trying to lighten the mood as he pushed Ringo ahead of himself.

Faster and faster the girls ran, which meant faster and faster the four Beatles ran. Their sides and chests were clenching tightly and their throats were becoming sore from the constant and ragged breaths they were being forced to take. Just when they thought they couldn't take it anymore, George Harrison called out:

"Mates, look! An alley! Maybe we could hide there!" he suggested through many shallow breaths.

"Gear idea!" Ringo exclaimed as they all made their way to the safe place.

But, just before the four lads from Liverpool could make it to safety, terror struck.

"Ahhh!" John, George, and Ringo heard from behind.

John was about to blurt out a loud, "What!" but didn't have to, for just as he turned around, his eyes met the horrible scene.

There was the mob, all reaching and grabbing at something on the ground. Several of them were screaming bloody murder (due to the excitement of the fallen Beatle or because they were being pushed and shoved was unknown).

"Paul McCartney! It's him!" they shrieked in utter amazement as they ripped at his hair and his clothes.

Paul, having it all had hit him so fast, was in a chaotic daze. All he remembered was being tugged at by his long, black overcoat, and then being dragged to the ground, his knees and elbows being scraped as it happened. Everything that occurred afterwards was a blur.

He did know that he was in serious trouble, though, because he was in a great deal of pain. He'd lost count of how many times he'd been stepped on and his head was throbbing due to the many hands ripping his dark, silky locks from his scalp. His chest was growing very heavy and it was becoming harder and harder to breathe.

"I just want to die!" he grimaced. "This is horrible!"

And, just then, as if by the grace of God, his head collided with a very hard object, (a shoe perhaps?) causing his vision to blur and his body to become limp.

"Hooray! I'm saved!" Paul's mind slurred as he finally passed out, due to the blow to his head and goodness knows what other injuries.

"Paul!" John yelled out as he leapt forward towards the mob, finally processing what was happening.

George and Ringo, even though they were scared out of their wits, ran after John, for they needed to help Paul...and fast.

"Get off of him!" John demanded as he tugged at the girls' arms. "Leave him alone!"

His cries were only in vain, though, unfortunately, for the ear-piercing screaming was drowning him out.

George and Ringo too were trying their best to help poor Paul, but nothing seemed to be working. No matter how many times they yelled, and no matter how many times they tried to pull the girls off of the bassist, they still found a way to get back on top of him.

"Stop it! You're hurting him!" George shrieked, tears welling up in his brown eyes.

Miraculously, one girl, who just happened to have a George pin on her jacket, actually did hear him, and, once she did, she let out a yelp at the realization that her favorite Beatle had just said something to her (or the entire mob of girls, but who's counting?).

"George?" she grinned.

"Please tell them to get off of Paul!" George wailed, not caring about anything but his friend.

"Anything for you!" she blushed as she squared her shoulders before turning towards the other girls, who, some how or another, still didn't notice the other three Beatles.

After emitting a high-pitched whistle, which John could have sworn was heard around the world, the girl had effectively gotten the mob's attention.

"Hey!" she screamed. "Get off of Paul! George says so!"

"Oh no..." George whispered.

Why had she mentioned him?

"George!" one girl with a pixie cut gasped.

"And there's John and Ringo too!" another girl yelled.

"Get them!"

"Run!" John shouted once again.

"But what about Paulie!" Ringo bemoaned.

"We'll have to go back for him, Rings."

"Oh, that sounds like a wonderful idea," Ringo mumbled, annoyed, as he and the other two continued their exhausting runaway.

Hello, my friends! Welcome to my new book! I feel like it's been ages since I've written anything and I'm sorry about that! I do hope that you'll enjoy this book, though! Just to let you know, the chapters in this book may not be quite as long, but they won't be short either. I don't really know yet, we'll just see what happens! Also, this book is inspired by a story on FanFiction.Net called "Stage Fright" and it's amazing!Anyway, thank you all so much for reading! I appreciate it more than you know! :-)

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