Chapter 5

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Before any of them knew it, an ambulance had pulled up beside them. A pair of paramedics jumped out, each wearing black pants and a white shirt whilst carrying a black bag.

"Excuse me," the tall, skinny one said as he made eye contact with John, "what's the problem here?"

"That's the problem," John stated bluntly as he pointed his index finger at Paul, who was still deeply asleep, with Jackie cradling him as if her life depended on it.

"Oh," the paramedic sighed as he motioned for his friend (the other, shorter paramedic) to join him in examining Paul.

But, before they could do that, they needed to get something out of the way.

"Excuse me, Miss, we're going to need you to join the other three. We can't have you in the middle of all of this."

"But, but, I'm helping him!" Jackie whined, tears threatening to spill from her green eyes.

"Yes, but we need to help him too, and we can't do that until you're out of the way, Dear," the shorter of the two reasoned with her sweetly.

"Are you positive you'll take proper care of him?" she asked, her eyes big with expectation as she wrapped an arm around Paul like a protective mother.

"Positive," the taller one stated as he all but picked her up and out of the way.

In all reality, he had lost his patience with her, seeing that Paul needed his help, but he wasn't going to let anyone else know that.

Jackie, still an emotional wreck, began sobbing into Ringo's arm as the drummer patted her back while apprehensively watching the medics check Paul.

First, they looked the bassist over for any sign of broken bones. After asking the others if he had any symptoms of such, John had piped up and explained that Paul seemed to have trouble breathing, which, in turn, caused the medics to assume that he had some broken ribs. But, of course, they couldn't be sure until X-Rays had been done.

Next, after also hearing that Paul had a lump on his head, the medics shined a light in Paul's doe eyes to see how his pupils would respond. Sluggish was the verdict. Not a good sign at all.

After taking his vitals, they determined that he was ready to be moved into the ambulance. Onto the stretcher he went, blankets draped up to his chin, never once showing any signs of waking up. If the other Beatles didn't know why he was asleep, they would have thought that he was simply taking a midday kip, for he looked so peaceful and comfortable. Too bad he wasn't, though.

"What about us?" John blurted out as he realized that they were about to be left behind.

"I'm afraid you won't be able to join us in the ambulance, for there isn't enough room," the taller man said, seeming impatient.

"B-but!" John objected. "He's me best mate for gosh sakes!"

"I understand that, but..." he started again, but was stopped by his shorter friend.

"One of you can join us. But only one."

"That's freaking...!" John began to complain.

"Just go, John!" George demanded as he shoved John into the ambulance. "You being stubborn is only hurting Paul!"

"But what about you lads!" John cried as the paramedics closed one of the ambulance's back doors.

"We'll get a taxi! Just shut up and let it be, ya git!" George replied with a forced smile before John finally disappeared behind the other door.

Seconds later, the ambulance pulled off and the two Beatles were left alone, in dire need of a taxi. Off to work they went, then!

George began hailing a taxi and Ringo took to dealing with Jackie. Luckily, Officer Brown had been waiting patiently in the background, ready to be put to work.

"Officer," Ringo addressed him, "would you find this girl's parents and make sure she gets home safely? She's had quite a rough day."

"Yes, sir," Officer Brown nodded as he took Jackie gently by the arm.

Jackie, at this point, was half asleep and didn't fully know what was going on anymore. Therefore, she didn't make a fuss about leaving Ringo and George, which, secretly, they were thankful for.

Seeing that Jackie was in good hands, Ringo said his goodbyes and made his way back to George, who had just managed to hail a taxi.

"Great job, Geo!" he praised the youngest Beatle.

"Ta," he smiled as they got into the small vehicle.

"Where to?" the driver asked.

"Oh, gosh," Ringo gasped. "I don't have a clue."

Yeah, I know that was choppy and boring, but I had to get the formalities out of the way, y'know? Anyway, thanks for reading, everyone! :-)

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