Chapter 30

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A few moments later, Jackie and Cathy came back into the living room carrying a small piece of paper, which Paul tried to get a good look of since he wanted to know what it was. Sally seemed to be finishing up her phone call and Paul couldn't help but feel a little apprehensive about what was going to happen to him, even though he was excited about seeing his mates again...and apologizing to Ringo.

Seeing that the Beatle had spaced out, Cathy waved her hand in front of his face. "Paulie?" she said, bringing him back into reality.

"Oh," Paul gasped, his eyes widening slightly. "Sorry, luv, must have been daydreaming. What is it?"

"Well, me and Jackie have something to give you, Paulie," Cathy declared excitedly as she hid something behind her back, presumably the paper.

"Is that right?" he asked the two of them with raised eyebrows, resembling a little child who was told he could open a Christmas present early.

Jackie giggled at his cuteness before replying, "Yes, it's not really anything special, though."

"Well, I suppose I'll have to be the decider of that," Paul winked.

"I suppose you're right," Cathy beamed before she looked to Jackie, as if asking for permission to give Paul their gift.

Jackie nodded and counted off, "One, two, three!"

Before Paul knew it, he had a neatly folded piece of paper thrust into his weak hands.

"Well, what's this?" he puzzled innocently as he began to unfold it, his hands trembling as he did so.

Once unfolded all of the way, Paul was greeted with a series of numbers, which he assumed to be a telephone number, and two nicely written names.

"It's our telephone number, Paulie. That way you can talk to us even when you go," Cathy explained as she put her arm around his warm neck.

Paul was extremely happy to have the family's number because, if he was being honest with himself, he really wanted a way he could keep in touch with Jackie, and, of course Cathy and Sally as well.

"Thank you so much, Darlings. I will most certainly put this number to good use. Come here," he said sweetly as he held his arms out for a hug.

Seeing that Cathy was basically already in his arms, Jackie was the one who, once she'd returned his embrace, was taken aback a bit by how cuddly and warm Paul actually was, his fever prominent as it warmed his skin through his dress shirt, which was soft and hot to the touch.

Jackie couldn't help but smile widely as she wrapped her arms around his small, skinny frame. He was just so adorable! What more could she say?

Once they'd pulled away from each other, Sally had gotten off of the phone and turned to meet three expectant countenances.

"Okay," she started as her daughters tensed up, Cathy unconsciously putting a hand on Paul's arm, as if her touch would keep him from going. "I talked to the police and they said they'd be here soon, and it's possible that the three other Beatles and their manager might come as well since they're probably quite worried. Does that sound okay, Paul, lad?" she finished with a raise of her eyebrows.

"Yes, Missus. Thank you," he replied, a bit somberly, but still thankfully.

Jackie and Cathy were depressed by the news that Paul was indeed leaving, but they were beginning to feel a little excited, for the other Beatles would be arriving at their house as well. That was at least something happy.

"Does that mean we'll get to meet John, George, and Ringo, Mum?" Cathy asked eagerly as she clapped her hands together.

"I suppose, Treacle," Sally nodded whilst she motioned for Cathy to calm down.

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