Chapter 34

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Finally, the day of the concert had arrived. The four Beatles were balls of energy as they practiced their songs during their rehearsal, and Brian couldn't have been happier that they were altogether again, and that Paul was healthy and seemed to be mostly happy as well.

As the Fab Four launched into their last song of the rehearsal, Paul felt a leap of spirited gladness sweep through him. The joy of music was dancing around his body like jolts of electricity and it was this particular feeling that reminded him why he was a musician.

Even though the thought of performing in front of such a large crowd made Paul nervous, he pushed those anxious thoughts away, for he was looking forward to asking Brian about Jackie's telephone number after he'd hopefully given a satisfactory performance.

A sudden silence suddenly filled the theater as the band finished their song, which caused Paul to be brought back into reality. He hadn't even realized he'd stopped playing his bass, funnily enough.

"That sounded marvelous, lads," Brian praised as he gave his boys an ovation. "The audience will most certainly be pleased tonight!"

"Aw, well, thanks, Eppy," Paul replied with a smile and a blush, his eyes unable to meet his manager's due to his humility.

"Oh, teacher's pet again, aye, Macca?" John teased with a little shove to Paul's side.

"Wait, I thought I was the teacher's pet, Johnny," Ringo objected whilst he hopped down from his drum set platform.

"That was only in the film, you clod," John retorted as he and his band mates began to laugh.

After they'd finished aggravating each other and laughing, they made their way to the dressing room, where they'd remain until the show began.

"I've missed this," George stated plainly as he sat down on a cushioned chair.

"Missed what, Hazza?" Paul inquired with a quirked eyebrow whilst he tuned his bass.

"This, y'know. All of us laughing and playing music together. We're best mates, and I didn't realize how much I loved being around you all until it was gone," the lead guitarist explained in an even tone.

George's words hit a soft spot with Paul, and the bassist couldn't help but flinch a bit as his trembling hand fell away from the knob of his bass. He had secretly been thinking the same thing, and to have someone else say it made him feel extremely sentimental and regretful that he'd always taken his mates for granted. He also couldn't help but think of Jackie, since he didn't realize how much he liked her until she was gone. He sighed, his eyes flashing the colors of love.

"You're exactly right, Geo," Paul replied, his voice cracking from all of the emotion. "Come 'ere, then, ya git," he then muttered as he held his arms out to hug the slightly younger Beatle.

George complied with Paul's want and immediately wrapped his skinny arms around his older mate. Paul let out a little moan of appreciation before he felt two more sets of arms wrap around him.

"You're a good bugger, Macca," Paul heard John mumble close to his ear.

Hearing John say such 'soft' words to him and feeling his mates' warm arms wrapped around him was one of the moments in Paul's life that he knew he'd cherish forever. He smiled uncontrollably and his stomach was filled with pure joy, which he hadn't seem to feel in such a long time.

"I love you, mates," he declared sweetly.

"We love you too, Paul," was the shared response from John, George, and Ringo.


"Mum! I don't wanna wear it. It's miserable!" Cathy whined as she pulled at her pink dress.

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