Chapter 15

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Carefully and expertly, Ringo twisted the top off of the bottle of sleeping pills. He then shook two capsules of the drug into his somewhat trembling hand before dropping them into the glass of milk.

"Please, Lord, let me be doing the right thing," he worried as he bit his lip.

Deep down, Ringo knew what he was doing was against Paul's wishes, therefore making it wrong, right? Well, that was the fine line and the drummer was willing to get close to or even over it in order to do what was ultimately best for Paul. So, he was doing what was right, he supposed. Besides, if it was wrong, he was being sneaky and slick. There'd be no reason for Paul to find out anyway.

He waited a few more minutes for the pills to dissolve fully before he grasped the glass and made his way back to his and Paul's room. He opened the door and with a dry mouth he told Paul that he had his milk.

"Took ya long enough, aye, mate?" Paul teased as he gratefully took the beverage from the drummer's hand. He didn't think twice before he swallowed a mouthful of the soothing liquid. "That's good, ta," he then added. "A little bitter, though."

"I'm glad," Ringo smiled, ignoring Paul's last remark, his voice an octave higher than normal as he prepared himself for bed once more. He was just about to turn his lamp off (not Paul's of course, for he was staying up...or so he thought), when the sound of Paul's voice reached his ears again.

"Oh, Ringo?"

"Yes, Paul?" he replied as he leaned against the headboard.

"I just wanted to thank you for understanding my wants and stuff. If it had been anyone else, I don't know if they'd let me stay up or do what I think is best, so I'd like to say thank you," the young bassist explained sweetly as he drank the rest of his milk, which Ringo noted with a pang of guilt.

The older man thought he was going to be sick. Here Paul was expressing his deepest gratitude and Ringo had basically just drugged him, which went against everything Paul was saying he was thankful for in Ringo.

"Ahh, blimey..."

"Well," he started as he cleared his throat, "it's no problem, Paulie. I just happen to understand, I suppose."

"You do and that's what makes you such a great mate," Paul smiled as he grabbed his book. "Well, goodnight, Rings. I hope you sleep well."

"I'd say the same to you, Paul, but I know you're not sleeping," Ringo chuckled nervously as he switched off his lamp.

"Right you are," the songwriter winked.

Ringo put on false amusement at Paul's statement before he began to feign sleep once again. He, of course, wasn't going to let Paul know, but he was going to stay awake until he knew Paul was finally dozing under the influence of the sleeping pills he'd been slipped.

He laid with his eyes facing Paul and watched as Paul went back to reading, completely unaware of the squinted orbs keeping surveillance on him.

Seconds turned into minutes and the drummer noticed with satisfaction that Paul was indeed becoming drowsy. His eyes were beginning to droop and, every now and then, he'd let out a yawn. His chin was falling onto his chest and it was obvious that he was putting up such a fight to try and stay awake.

"Stay awake," Ringo heard the bassist chant as Paul's eyes failed to focus on the words of his book. In fact, his vision was becoming a bit blurry. "What the..." Paul then slurred, his muscles becoming so heavy that he couldn't keep a command on them.

A minute later, Paul dropped his book and his body went limp as his heavy eyes went completely shut, his eyelashes resting pleasantly against the bags under his eyes.

He was finally sleeping. Probably for the first time in a few days, but he was sleeping.

"Thank goodness," Ringo sighed to himself as he got out of his bed and walked over to the unconscious form of his band mate.

"Let's get you more comfortable, Paulie," he whispered as he gently maneuvered Paul to where he was lying on his back. Ringo then pulled the covers up to Paul's chin and watched him for a moment for any signs of waking up.

Nothing. He did nothing but breathe softly, his chest moving up and down ever so slightly.

"Alright, I think you're good, Macca. Do sleep well," Ringo said as he turned off Paul's lamp and got back into bed.

"Well, it's done. I think this is gonna be good for him. He's already sleeping like a corpse. That's what he needs, poor lad. A good sleep and he'll be as good as new for the press and fans. I've made the right decision. I just know it."

And, with an exhale full of peace, Ringo closed his eyes and drifted off.

He had made the right decision, hadn't he?

Sorry that was such a short chapter! I've been so busy and tired lately, honestly, and so I didn't feel like writing a big, long chapter. Going back to this chapter, do you think Ringo has made the right decision by going against Paul's wishes for the 'greater good'? Or do you think it'll back fire on him? Curious to know what you guys think! Thank you! :-)

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