Chapter 25

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"Wow!" Jackie exclaimed as Paul pulled away. "Paul, I..."

Immediately thinking that Jackie didn't want to be kissed, Paul felt his face go red with remorse whilst his mouth went even drier than it previously had been.

"Oh, Jackie, I'm so sorry! I should have asked and..."

"Shh, Paulie," Jackie replied softly as she pressed a finger to his mouth. "That was the most amazing thing to ever happen to me, so please don't apologize. In fact, allow me to thank you for it," she finished as she gave him a kiss on his fever-burning cheek.

Relief washing over him like a tidal wave, Paul released the breath he'd been holding as he lovingly glanced at Jackie, who returned his countenance.

"I'm glad it was, luv," Paul smiled as he caressed her cheek. "It was for me too."

"Aww," Jackie grinned as her face flushed whilst she practically beamed from happiness. "You are so sweet."

Paul, visibly embarrassed and humbled by her remark, couldn't help but smile and look downwards so as to hide his face.

"Nah," he replied as he attempted to hold back his grin. "I'm ill, but not sweet."

Within Paul's response, Jackie remembered that he was indeed ill, which was a little fact she'd nearly forgotten about considering she'd just kissed the Paul McCartney.

"Yes," she answered with a hint of melancholy. "How do you feel?"

"Oh, I feel fine," he quickly responded, realizing he'd just squashed her giddy mood before he began to cough and sputter, which was wonderfully ironic.

"No you don't, you little liar!" laughed Jackie as she lightly slapped his shoulder.

"Well, hardy-har-har," Paul replied as he scrunched up his face sassily, resembling his old Liverpool school picture perfectly.

Jackie reeled back in laughter, covering her face as she did so, which caused Paul to giggle as well. He always did love to make people laugh and be merry.

"Paul, please tell me you don't talk to your mum like that," Jackie teased him, not knowing that Paul's mum was no longer alive.

Paul, deciding to ignore the fact of his mum's death for Jackie's sake, laughed along with her before saying, "Don't worry. I don't."

"Jackie, Dear!" Sally then yelled from the kitchen, effectively interrupting Jackie and Paul's fun. "Would you come help me?"

"Coming, Mum!" Jackie called back as she stood up. "I'll be right back, Paulie."

"Take your time, luv," Paul winked as Jackie left the room.

Paul then allowed himself to shut his eyes for a moment and relax before Sally and Jackie reappeared with trays of breakfast, Cathy following with napkins in her hand.

"We've got you some breakfast, Mr. Paul," she grinned as she ran ahead of her mother and sister in order to embrace her Paulie.

"Aww, well, thank you, Miss Cathy. I'm famished," Paul lied as he ruffled Cathy's hair while she giggled.

In all honesty, Paul felt his stomach twist and churn as he merely smelt the eggs and bacon. He couldn't remember the last time he'd eaten, but he did remember vomiting after the press conference and, just thinking of it, he held back a grimace as he swore he felt bile rise again in his sore throat.

"We've got eggs, bacon, hash browns, and biscuits," Cathy exclaimed as she motioned towards the tray. "Which do you like best, Paulie?"

Paul pretended to think for a moment whilst he tapped his finger on his chin before replying with a smile, "I think I like all of it best."

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