Chapter 26

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"Brian, I can't wait any more. We've got to find Paul," John vexed as he stared apprehensively out of the freezing window, which presented the horrid blizzard still raging outside.

"John," Brian started in a pacifying tone as he held his hands out. "We've been over this. We can't go out right now. We'll freeze too and we don't have a clue where he's gone because the telephones are out, so it's no use anyway."

"Yeah, but, Eppy he could be freezing to death! You just said it yourself that anyone outside would freeze," the rhythm guitarist reasoned, obviously annoyed as he glared at his manager with an irritated countenance.

"John, my boy, I know, but I can't risk you lads getting hurt or sick too. You understand, don't you?" Brian tried as he let out a breath of stress.

"No, Brian, I don't!" John cried, his temper beginning to win over his emotions.

"John," George chimed in calmly as he touched John's shoulder in a reassuring manner. "I want to find Paul as much as you do, but I have to agree with Brian. We can't go out with the ice and snow coming down like it is. Besides, I'm sure Paul's alright. He's tough."

John stood silent for a moment as he mulled over George's words. He had to admit that he knew the younger Beatle was right, but it didn't change the fact that he still wanted to save his best mate from the cold. Even still, he swallowed those rash feelings as he nodded slightly towards George.

"You're right, Hazza. And I'm sorry, Bri. I understand," he frowned as he looked down at his Cuban boots.

"That's quite alright, John," Brian smiled as he patted John's back. "I know how much you want to find him, just as we do. I don't know what we'd do without Paul, honestly."

"I don't either," John sighed, trying to suppress his tears as he imagined his closest mate freezing in a heap of icy snow and sleet.

"We'll find him, though, once the storm passes, Johnny," George smiled reassuringly as he gave the rhythm guitarist a small smile.

"Yeah, I know. You're right," John replied with a forced smile as Ringo suddenly burst into the dressing room, for he'd previously been talking to a few of the pressmen about the blizzard.

"Mates!" he cried excitedly as he strode over to the three. "Guess what?"

"What is it, Rings?" George asked, his countenance perking up substantially.

"They said the storm should be out of here by tomorrow! That means maybe the telephones will be up by then too! We're gonna be able to find Paulie!" he rejoiced as he did one of his little Ringo dances.

Everyone's faces seemed to be glowing at the hearing of such wonderful news. Brian let out a great sigh of relief as he collapsed on the sofa with a muttered, "That's fantastic!"

"Thank goodness!" George exclaimed, a huge smile spreading across his ecstatic face. "Isn't that fantastic news, Johnny?" he then added as he noticed John looking somewhat expressionless.

Snapping out of his thoughts, John made eye contact with George before he, much to the lead guitarist's surprise, embraced him in the biggest, warmest hug possible, and, after he'd done that, went over and hugged Ringo.

"Uh, John?" Ringo said in a puzzled and amused tone as he awkwardly hugged the slightly younger Beatle back.

"Yeah, Rings?" John said as he pulled away.

"Are you alright? You're acting all...sappy," Ringo giggled as he studied John's elated countenance.

"Yeah, Ritchie. I'm just excited that we're gonna be able to find Macca," he replied warmly, which was quite out of character for him.

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