The suit

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Song: Angel of small death and the codeine scene, Hozier

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Song: Angel of small death and the codeine scene, Hozier

"Alright settle down" Professor Filch called from the front of the hall, watching as excited students finished their breakfast in record speed in order to go shopping. "Our school is located pretty close to a shopping centre where we let students shop during the weekends. As first years, you will have a professor walk you there just for today so you won't get lost. I'd advise you to buy some lunch whilst you're out, as we won't be serving a lot until dinner tonight at 6 o clock, we expect you back by that time"

"Lunch is on you Tommo" Liam whispered, nudging the boys arm.

"You wish" Louis replied with a grin.

"However, due to behaviour issues over the first week, some students aren't permitted to go shopping today" Filch announced, and as expected many students weren't happy about the news, including Louis.

"What the fuck? They never said anything about that when we first got here" Louis whisper shouted, looking with furrowed brows between his friends and the headmaster.

"Can these students please stay behind as you will not be leaving the school grounds today"

Wonder what name will come up.

"Ethan Brady, Brandon cook, Jodie Dickinson, Olivia Newton, Joshua Lee, Peter Smith and Louis Tomlinson"

Louis looked around in shock, first at Liam and Zayn, then the headmaster and finally at Harry, who's name should've definitely come up on that list. He was furious. How was it fair that he had another punishment when all his problems from the past week were because of Harry.

"You may Leave now" Filch dismisses, and Louis noticed the lingering stares he got from other students who were just as shocked as he was.

"What are you going to do?" Zayn asked, staying put in his seat next to Liam as everyone else around them got ready to leave. "Shouldn't harry be on the list?"

"Yes he fucking should, that's why I'm going to talk to the headmaster" Louis replied in anger, standing up quickly.

"Should we wait for you? In case you're allowed to go" Liam asked, unsure of what to do.

"No you go ahead, I'll catch up if I'm allowed" Louis said in a rush, storming off to speak to Filch before the man left the room.

Louis reached the professor just in time and the hall was much quieter now that the students had left, the only people still in their seats were those who's names were on that list above Louis'. The headmaster looked at Louis, who's face was flushed red from both anger and his rush to the front of the hall. He seemed calm, like he was expecting an outburst from Louis, and he crossed his arms and leant against the stage as he waited for him to speak.

"Why was my name on that list and Harry's wasn't?" Louis asked, sending a death glare his way.

"Because you've gotten in trouble more times than he has" Filch replied with a bored look on his face, his tone suggesting Louis should have already known what his answer would be.

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