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Song: I'll be good, Jaymes young

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Song: I'll be good, Jaymes young

The only reason Louis was now sat in a plush chair in the counsellors office was because he had practically been hunted down by a few teachers.

He didn't want to attend, he didn't want to talk to some stranger about his feelings and how to 'control his anger', and he was an hour late to his appointment as he hid away in the library until a woman who he didn't know finally found him. He tried to fight against it and refused to leave with her for a good ten minutes before he was threatened with a detention. He couldn't get into any more trouble.

"Hello Louis, I'm Mrs. Bradley, or you can call me Sarah, whatever's easier for you" His counsellor said with a friendly smile, sitting in the chair opposite him with one leg crossed over the other. She had brown hair held in a bun at the back of her head, a few strands framing the sides of her face. Her skin was tanned and flawless, and a pair of glasses rested on her nose. She seemed rather young, which Louis was glad for as it made him feel more comfortable. "How are you today?"

"You want the honest answer?" Louis asked, leaning back into the chair with his arms crossed over his chest.

"Counsellors do usually prefer honesty" She replied with a playful tone, trying to ease the boy into the session as she knew it was often hard for teens to adjust into counselling.

"Well, I'm pissed off then. No disrespect to you, but I don't see why I need to be here" Louis replied with a bored voice.

"Is that why you were late today, you didn't want to attend?" She asked, though she didn't seem bothered by the fact. She was used to students not attending, or trying not to, so she understood Louis' attitude.

"Yes. If it weren't for some teacher finding me I wouldn't be sat here right now" Louis confirmed with a roll of his eyes.

"It happens with most students so I'm not surprised, they usually give in after a few weeks once they realise counselling isn't as bad as they thought it was going to be"

"Don't count on that with me. One thing you'll learn is I'm stubborn and I'm not going to give in if I don't think I should be here" Louis said firmly.

"Why do you think that?" She asked.

"I assume you know I've been put in these sessions for anger issues" Louis replied and the woman nodded. "I don't, the teachers are over exaggerating and I'm getting the blame for shit I've been pushed into doing. If someone's pissed me off then of course I'm going to get angry. That doesn't mean I've got issues"

"You say you were pushed into doing things, how so?"

"Okay, for example, the only reason I got into a fight with Jake was one, because he beat up my friend and two, he egged me on during an argument. Of course I'd get angry at him"

"That's understandable. However I think the problem you need to work on is keeping your anger at bay and not acting on your impulses. Anger issues aren't necessarily about getting angry too often, because everybody gets mad, it's a normal thing. The reason you're here is because you struggle to control it. Rather than acting on a situation you need to learn to walk away from it and not let it get the better of you; i'm here to help you with that and give you advice, I can offer solutions to problems that you may not know how to deal with"

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