Chapter 47: Odd Feelings

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Chapter 47: Odd Feelings

Taehyung was with Chanyeol inside the office, they were in a meeting with some business partner. He was standing beside Chanyeol who was sitting down on the chair.

"I see, everything is fine with this deal, Park. They're right, I can trust you with this kind of work." Hanbyo smirked.

"Of course, I know Jeon already betrayed you but trust me. I won't be like him, this is how I work with my business." Chanyeol grinned.

"You are different from him, I'm sure if I deal with him, he won't accept me." Hanbyo soughed.

"That boy always loses his opportunity. He's stupid as what I expected." Chanyeol snickered.

"Anyways, thank you for this chance. I'll make sure not to fail you." Hanbyo added and he stood up.

"I'm glad to hear that, we'll continue this discussion tomorrow." Chanyeol stated, doing the same with Hanbyo.

"Sure, see you tomorrow." Hanbyo said.

They went near the door to go out later.

"Okay, See you tomorrow." Chanyeol retorted when he opened the door.

Hanbyo smiled at him before leaving the office.

Chanyeol went back to his position and sat down on his swivel chair.

"What happened with JK?" Chanyeol asked but looking at the PC.

"He's still checking the proposal, he just wants to make sure you won't back off to the proposal." V replied.

"Did you tell him about the meeting?" Chanyeol inquired.

"I didn't mention that earlier because I don't think it's the right time. He's still not approving any of the proposals." V stated.

"Text or call him, I want to meet him tomorrow." Chanyeol replied.

"Okay" V uttered.

He took his phone out of his pocket and texted Jungkook.

"What he said?" Chanyeol inquired.

"He will come tomorrow and he said he was ready for our proposal. He'll check his schedules if he can come to the meeting." V replied, reading Jungkook's replies to him.

"FAKE proposal, that's only fake. There's no way I'll collab with him. Make sure that he will come tomorrow, we will start the plan." Chanyeol snickered, pulling the stick of cigarette.

"Tomorrow?" V inquired confused.

Chanyeol turned around his swivel chair, looking at him with a smug on his lips.

"Yes, I know you want to do that so early. You will end him in front of me and everything will happen tomorrow, Understood?" Chanyeol ordered.

"Isn't it too early to do that?" V asked retorting.

"I'm too impatient to wait for so long. I don't want to wait, I'm excited to see his deceased body." Chanyeol grinned.

"He might get suspicious if we did it too early." V stated.

"Why are you opposing against me? Are you scared to kill him?" Chanyeol inquired, glaring at him.

"No, but I think we need to prepare for a while. I'm sure our plan will ruin if we did it early." V stated.

Well, it's not that he was scared or something. He felt odd feelings, he wasn't ready to do the plans.

"Just do what I say, I'm always prepared. Kill him tomorrow, that's what I want. Tell him about the meeting." Chanyeol ordered, turning around the swivel chair.

V soughed, he knew he can't stop him even he try to.

"I will tell him about the meeting right now." V sighed.

"Good, You can leave now." Chanyeol added

"Yes, boss." V uttered.

V bowed down his head then he left the office. Chanyeol grinned, he's too eager to do his plans. He wants to see Jungkook's reaction.

"I'm such a genius man." Chanyeol cackled, feeling proud of himself and also with his plans.

V can't understand his feelings, his brain was ready to kill him but his heart aching to do it. He never felt it before but why in a serious situation had it to happen? This is hard for him than he expected. Why Jungkook? Why Jungkook makes him feel like this? Who is he to his life?

Due to frustration, he shot the target with Jungkook's face on it.

"Do you think it'll work?" Alisha asked, crossing her arms.

They were watching V who was practicing his shooting skills.

"I'm sure it will, as long as he didn't remember anything, it'll be good for us." Chanyeol replied.

"But I heard him, he looks not ready to do it yet." Alisha added.

"He doesn't have any choice tho, I can use his parents to remember his purpose why he's still alive. I'm sure, he'll listen to me." Chanyeol replied

He smirked when he saw V hit Jungkook's forehead.

"It's better if we have a second plan, we don't know what's inside his head." Alisha continued.

"Don't worry, I know what I'm doing. We will succeed this time." Chanyeol snickered.

"If that's what you said, let's just be careful tomorrow." Alisha uttered.

"Any update Jungkook?" Namjoon asked sitting in front of Jungkook.

"About what?" Jungkook inquired.

"You seem lost today, what's wrong?" Namjoon asked changing the topic.

"Nothing good as usual." Jungkook retorted typing in his PC.

"Is it about Taehyung?" Namjoon asked once again.

"He's dead." Jungkook retorted and his mood changed.

"I see, he came here right? I heard murmurs here, they said they saw your husband but he's too different." Namjoon sighed.

"He's not him, hyung, he's V, Taehyung isn't like him. Taehyung was the opposite of him, stop saying he's him because he'll never be my Taehyung." Jungkook grumbled.

"What if he's Taehyung, what are you going to do?" Namjoon suddenly asked.

"No, he told me he's not Taehyung." Jungkook retorted.

"I'm just asking, you know, isn't it too impossible that there's someone who looks like your husband and the same thing happened to their parents. And their purpose is to kill the person who killed their parents. We both know that you only killed Taehyung's parent and no one else." Namjoon stated.

Jungkook was frozen, Namjoon has point. He isn't the one who killed Baekhyun's parents but his dad. He only killed Taehyung's parents. There's a huge chance that V was his husband but he doesn't like V's personality.

October 25, 2021

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