CHAPTER 1: The Proposal

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The story is mainly in Thera's POV.

"Quite a boring meeting it was, don't you think?", Josh said stretching his arms as soon as the meeting got over and people started to move out of the room.

"You find every meeting boring, Josh", I told him getting up as he also got up.

He rolled his eyes collecting the files from the table.

Joshia Oliver, he was my personal assistant for the past two years and even a very close friend. He was cute, had dirty blonde hair, a clean shaved face and wore spectacles(a bit round in shape). He was full of life, always lifted up my mood whenever I am tensed or sad and not to mention, he knows each and every thing about me, including the secrets no one knows.

We were currently in another industry for a meeting that was attended by one of the most famous businessmen...and businesswoman that was just me.

My company, Mallay Industries or as I call it, the Mallay empire was one of the most successful industries currently. I worked day and night to make it reach here and of course my staff was wonderful too, they also work really hard and give their best.
I was really satisfied with what I have achieved. It was everything I dreamt of as a teenager.

I wanted to have expensive cars, I wanted to own mansions, own businesses around the globe.
And right now, I have all that.

"You coming Thera?", Josh called and I snapped out of my thoughts and followed him out of the room.

"We will have to wait for a minute, the driver is bringing the car", Josh told me and I nodded as I started scrolling through my phone as he waited beside me.

We were waiting in the corridor when a man in black suit walked by us with his assistant trailing behind him.
He got into the elevator and it was then I saw him, the one and only, Isaac Grayson.

Our eyes met, he had a cold look on his face, as he kept looking at me. I wasn't able to look away and maybe it was just me that noticed the slight smirk that formed on his face but thankfully, the elevator's door closed and I sighed.

Isaac Grayson, my only competitor, owner of the Grayson Industries and an asshole and one of the biggest playboy I have ever seen.
He had a sharp jawline, perfectly carved face, broad shoulder, tall frame. He was handsome, hot, rich and everything a girl could ever dream of.
He achieved what none could in such a young age.

The way he talked, the way he walked, the way he dressed, everything just screamed power and money.

He could make anything happen within the snap of his finger...yes, just like Thanos.

People were scared of him, his simple sentence could make you tremble with fear because he talks so coldly.

And to be honest, I was also a bit scared of him, just a tiny bit because what I have learnt in my experience is to never ever mess with Isaac Grayson. He can destroy you within seconds. And thankfully I never crossed paths with him nor I ever wish to but yeah, to defeat his industries and become the best in the world would be amazing.

If I had to just look at his achievements and anyone would have asked me to bow down in front of him, I would definitely do that, without any hesitation but then I look at his nature, how cold, arrogant and ruthless he is, I just feel like beating the hell out of him.

Maybe I described about him too much...well...sorry about that.

Josh called the elevator and we got inside it and we soon reached the ground floor and made our way towards my car and we sat in the backseat as the driver drove the car.

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