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Y/n's grandparents (on her mother's side) are both from different countries

Her Grandmother was a canadian and her Grandfather was a korean

After they got married, they decided to live in Korea. A year passed by, her grandmother got pregnant

After a few months they went to the hospital to know the baby's gender and it's a girl

It's her mother

Another 2 years came

Her grandmother got pregnant again

To her aunt

Her mother and her aunt grew up there in Korea

Before their college Cali's grandparents decided to move in Canada but their daughters stayed in Korea

During college Y/n's mother got problems, insecurities, anxiety and more that led her to depression

Her sister (Y/n's aunt) told this to their parents even if her sister (Y/n's mother) doesn't want it

Their parents got worried and decided that Y/n's mother will live with them in Canada and continue her study there so that they can watch and guide her

After graduation Y/n's mom decided to go to America for a vacation alone to enjoy her life before she got herself a job

When she's in America she met a guy at some restaurant looking so exhausted from work

She accidentally bump the guy and got angry to her. He yelled at her even if she'd already apologized, she saw how rude he was so she didn't hesitate to yell back

After that fight she decided to go back in Canada

She mom took her exam to her desired course but she didn't passed

She took it again and again but always failed to the point where her parents advised her to take a break and find another course

One day a friend of her parents come to them.

She told them that her son in America is hiring a manager of the company and Y/n's mother is suitable for that position since she saw how good her skills before

Y/n's mother accepted the offer and flew to America after arranging some documents

The day after she arrived at the country, she went to the company

She went to the front desk and said to the staff that she have an appointment with the CEO. The staff guide her to a room and said that she has to wait for few mins. as the CEO is just currently in a meeting and it's almost done

Few minutes after, the room door opened revealing a tall guy in his suit which made him looked formal

Y/n's mother ignore the thoughts running in her mind. She greet the CEO and got shock when she saw his face


They both shouted while pointing at each other

The CEO smirked and immediately hired Y/n's mother thinking that he could do whatever he wants for her to do being the boss of her, pay back for yelling back at him that day

Also, he had no choice but to hire her as the company really needed another department manager as soon as possible

Few days had passed by working with each other, the CEO slowly got an interest on Y/n's mother and can't help but to fall in love with her

Protecting My Seven Anpanman :Under Editing⚠Where stories live. Discover now