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The whole game the living room was filled with their laughs as they can't stop laughing

Secrets got busted because of the truth, the boys can't lie 'cause if they did one of them who knows the truth will speak up

After about 2-3 hours its already quarter to midnight as they decided to stop the game and tell each other's life stories

Also they've finished bottles of soju and beer but surprisingly you and the boys are still not drunk.

Jin:Okay now who goes first?

Jimin:How about we go by spinning the bottle and when it stop, where the bottle's tip was pointed he/she will tell their life story even if someone knows about it you will tell every detail of your story

Y/n:E-every detail?

Jimin:Mm!vWaeyo? You can't?

Y/n stayed still for a moment, thinking if she can tell them about her past

This sure is planned by the boys, they want to get to know about Y/n more before they could have gotten onto the point where they got attach to each other


Its okay Y/n. I know it's painful to look back but you've already accepted it, with the help of your family that's always on your side and specially with the help of your Idols

Even if it's been just few days since you came to them but throughout that days you've become closer to each other that you could tell them some of your problems.

Since Sarah left you've been so down as you can't tell to anyone your problems even if you told it to your aunt which you now called mom..she wouldn't understand it

You've been keeping your emotions to yourself everytime you remembered some of your memories that you have with your beloved parents

Crying silently at night..

Since you don't have someone you can lean on, someone that can understand you

Someone like them

But now, they're here..in front of you. Wanting to listen every problems you have

All you have to do is expressed it, AND most of all..you trust them


Taehyung:Y/n you okay? It's okay don't force yourself if you can't tell us your story

Y/n:Aniyo it's fine..I will tell you my story

Namjoon:You sure? you really don-

Y/n:Its okay Namjoon-ah

I said with a warm smile.

JHope:Now..shall we let's start?

He asked as everyone nod, he looked at me as he smiled worriedly before spinning the bottle and pointed to a person's direction..


And story telling begins..

3rd update for today!!

Why not? Its still Namjoon's Birthday!

Time of publish:
7:59 pm


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