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After the maknaes drop off the things I told them to get earlier they left the room as I gave Y/n the pain killers to help her lessen the pain.

I closed her curtains to darken the room a bit. Just a bit 'cause I know she doesn't like dark and laid beside her, making an comfortable position with her as we both cuddled up together under her blanket while I'm massaging her abdomen.

She was now different from earlier, a bit relax as her cramps already fade away but I know it will come back and the heating pad is always ready.

Jin:Do you want to watch netflix?

I asked as she looked at me pouting before nodding

She's so cute

I grabbed my phone gently not trying to move her

I called Namjoon to borrow his laptop and ask to bring us--actually her foods like ice-cream, chocolates and more, I know she's craving for food right now.

He came in the room and left immediately when he gave me his laptop and the foods.

I placed the laptop at my abdomen not between us 'cause I know Y/n wants to cuddle while watching, and the food at our sides.

Y/n:The Notebook

I looked at her before smiling and clicking the movie.

I remembered my research earlier about situation like this

I also red it:

"Watch the movie she wants to watch. If she's into action movies, cool. If she wants to watch The Notebook, cry right next to her."

And so I did, I cried beside her tho she cried a lot. As the movie ends I realized she had fallen asleep. She deserves to sleep so somehow she could escape from her cramps.

I put aside the laptop as I snuggled close to her, tugging both of us with her blanket, completely falling asleep too.



I woke up as I felt warm breaths on my neck, and arms wrapped around me.


I smiled remembering how he took care of me all day

The girl he'll have in the futere would be so lucky to have him

Just then, his eyes fluttered open. He gently move, lifting his head up as he placed his hand softly on my cheeks

Jin:Why are you crying Y/n?

Oh yeah, I didn't realized a tear scaped from my eye earlier, I was in my emotional mode


Mode? What am I? A robot?

What I meant was I was busy on my thoughts didn't even realized I have gotten a bit emotional

Y/n:It's nothing

I said softly

Y/n:Uh Jin..I want to go to the bathroom

I said waiting for his arms unwrapped me

Jin:Do you want me to take you there?

He asked softly with a sincere look

Y/n:No it's fine

I smiled before sitting up and he ofc helped me.

Jin:Just yell if you need help okay?

I nod, thanking him as I went to the bathroom to pee and change my pad as it was already full

I opened the door and was about to walk to my room when I felt millions of knives and arrows stabbing my abdomen.

I leaned at the wall for support as I was calming my self from pain

??:Y/n you okay?!

He asked worriedly and wrapped his arms around me for support

Y/n:Thanks Hoseok-ah, can you help me get to my room?

I asked trying to hold myself on bursting into tears from the pain I was suffering


But I didn't expect what he did the next. He gently lift me up into a bridal style and carry me to my room.

As soon as we entered the room, Jin saw us and rushed to us.

Jin:What happened?

Hoseok carefully laid me on my bed, making me a comfortable position as Jin placed the heating pad on my abdomen.


He sighed

Hobi:Oh hyung, can I stay here? you can go back to your room and sleep there. It's okay, I'll take care of her.


Hobi:Please hyung. Also, it's already 4 in the morning. How about this, each day one member will take care of her

Y/n:Just so you could also rest Jin, I agree with Hobi

I said softly, Jin looked at me before sighing and nod to Hoseok

Perhaps Jin can't take care of me this whole week. He needs to rest and by it, he needs help from his dongsaengs

Jin:Alright, but take good care of her

He said in a warning tone to Hoseok before walking out of the room

Hobi:Ne hyung!


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