C62: America

457 13 4

-A M E R I C A


As soon as the plane's door opened, we were greeted by a fresh cold air

There were no much fans since it's already late at night now, but there are and some medias outside the airport

I shivered as I gritted my teeth in cold even if the boys were around me giving me a bit warm air

I felt hands on my waist again as I saw Yoon uncovered his coat from my waist

I wrapped it there earlier as I planned to give it back to him later.

'I guess he needs it 'cause he's cold too..'

I thought but I was wrong. He himself wore it to me and not just that 'cause he saw me still shivering, he...

Yoon:JungYoo-ah..can I have your coat?

He didn't let JungYoo respond back as he just grabbed the coat from Yookie's arms leaving him only with his vest

Yoon also wrapped the coat on me and that's much better..I feel warm now

Me:Thanks, but aren't you cold MinMin?

I asked and smiled under my mask even if he can't see me.


He said shortly as we reached outside the airport

We were greeted by several camera flashes as I felt him wrapped his hand on my waist while his other hand placed in front of my face blocking it from the cameras.

We got inside the car after being squeezed there. We got separated as some of the boys are in the other car.

Yoon, HoJon, Nam and Yoonjin with me on the first car.

Yoon and HoJoon seated each side of me while NamHyun is on the passenger seat. Yoonjin is the one who's driving.

Me:Hey you cold?

I asked Yoon as I saw him breathing on his palm.


I said while removing JungYoo's coat from me to wrap it to him. I'm not cold anymore tho.

But as I was about to wrap it to him, he shift onto me before suddenly side hugging me.

Yoon:Let's stay like this it's warm..

I tried to stop myself from squealing as I leaned back to my seat making him more comfortable in my arms.

Nam:Uhm you know the car has heater right? I can just turn it open, no need to hug her..

He said a bit annoyed while staring at us from the Rear view mirror

Yoon:Oh shut up..

He stated as he snuggled onto me

I can see NamHyun rolling his eyes while poking his inner cheek with his tongue and HoJoon clenching his jaw while looking out on the car window, all of it from the rear view mirror as I heard Yoonjin let out a snort.



The boys got their rooms as I shared mine with Yoonjin. But I know he will not sleep, he can't. He had to work.

How badly I want to spend time with him as we just barely talk while we were in Korea as he was busy on his job being a guard. He needs to be ready and alarmed every second incase..you know.

Protecting My Seven Anpanman :Under Editing⚠Where stories live. Discover now