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The ambulance came as we rushed y/n to the hospital.

She was bleeding nonstop, even if I've already blocked her wound with a cloth

I was now with her in the ambulance with some nurses/health workers.

I was crying but I knew I have to be strong..for her.

As we arrived at the hospital. I followed her as she got transfer to a stretcher, nurse and doctors rushed her to the operating room

The boys got out of their cars as they also rushed to her

Yoonjin:Y/n d-don't leave me please..almost there, don't worry you'll be fine. Just stay with us.

I said while holding her hand. As we reached the ER a nurse stopped and said that we can't enter the room.

Jungkook:Please..please save her

Nurse:We'll do our best sir

Taehyung:I don't want that answer! Say that you'll save her no matter what!

Jimin:Taehyung calm down *sniff* Promise you'll save her

Nurse:Y-yes sir..

He said before going inside the room leaving us in pain


Half an hour passed by as we waited here patiently outside the ER

Mom is already here also as I called her minutes ago

We're still crying and praying as mom cried in my arms

Yoonjin:She's going to be okay, don't worry.

Just then, the door opened revealing the doctor who is assigned to treat Y/n

Namjoon:How is she? Is the operation done?

Yoonjin:That fast?

Mom:How is she? She's okay right?

Jin:Why are you already here? Aren't you suposed to be in there treating her?

Doctor:Mam..sir, we found out something that if we continued the operation, it might put her life in danger.

Hoseok:W-What is it?

Doctor:She is allergic to anesthesia and she might go into shock during the surgery, it is very dangerous and by that she could..die

Hoseok:Andwae..this is my fault

Jimin:It's okay hyung..it's not your fault

He comfort his hyung by a hug

Jungkook:*sob*What's gonna happen now?

Doctor:I just want to let you guys know this. We have to operate her or else...we can't save her. We need your permission and decision as soon as possible

We got silent

Yoonjin:Pray, God is the only one we can hold on

Doctor:So mam..are we going to continue the operation?

Mom:Yes..if that's the only way to save her. Do it.

Mom said without any hesitation. The doctor nod before mom hugged me tightly.

Mom:I hope the operation goes well..I hope the decision we made is right

Taehyung:It is ma'am don't worry.

He said softly, gently rubbing mom's back.

Mom:T-Thank you Taehyung

She smiled

Protecting My Seven Anpanman :Under Editing⚠Where stories live. Discover now