22 - #56 Soma and Hayama

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[3rd person's Point of view]

"Well! What a beautiful morning!" Isshiki who was wearing his loincloth said. He was looking at the blazing sun and was holding his hoe. "It's a perfect way to start the first day of summer break!" he said.

Soma and Megumi were pulling out weeds then they stopped when they heard someone yelling.

"Oi!! Come take a look at this!" it was Yuki, she was currently holding a paper.

"It arrived." Megumi said and stood up.

"It's from the Autumn Elections office!" Yuki said showing the paper.

"Okay, let's open it." Soma said. Isshiki was just standing there looking at them. Soma then slowly took the paper inside.

"Curry..." then he slowly pulled it up. "...dish?" they asked in unison.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

"So, we just have to make curry rice?" Soma asked; his hand on his mouth.

"It says 'dish' so it doesn't have to be curry rice." Ryoko answered as she placed a tea in front of Soma.

"So basically, it's any dish that uses curry in some form." Shun added.

"Right, Isshiki-senpai?" Yuki asked their upperclassman who was currently drinking his tea.

Isshiki chuckled and looked at them. "Well, I wonder."

"Aw, you're redirecting!" Yuki exclaimed.

"Sakaki-kun, you make good tea." Isshiki answered; obviously avoiding the question.

"May I have seconds?" Shun asked.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

Soma was just thinking what curry dish would be best. Then he remembered what his father said. 'Her name's Shiomi. I heard she became an instructor at Totsuki.'

'If you ever meet her, mention my name. I used to look after her back then. I think she'll look after you.'

"That's what Dad told me." Soma said while walking beside Megumi. "I guess that's the place."

"Huh?" Megumi muttered as they stared at run-down building.

"It's more ragged that I expected." Soma said looking disappointedly.

"Maybe she's scary like Chappelle-sensei." Megumi added as they enter the building.

"Excuse us!" Soma yelled as they opened the door. He looked around just to see an empty room. "Huh? No one's here." then they heard someone grinding. They looked at their side and saw Shiomi there.

"Holy crap!" Soma looked surprised. The girl looked up at them. "Hello?"

"A visitor? Um.. Um... Sorry! I'll make tea right now!" she said panickingly. Then Megumi and Shiomi apologized to each other.

'They're apologizing to each other for making the other apologize.' Soma thought.

"Um, who is the instructor in this lab? If you could inform her that Saiba Joichiro's son c-" he was stopped as Shiomi landed a punch on his cheek.

Soma flew to the other side of the room; knocking both of the books and him. Megumi who was now scared looked at Soma.

"Saiba Joichiro's son please leave, right now!" Shiomi yelled.

Gamemode: Shokugeki no Soma / Food WarsWhere stories live. Discover now