68 -Part 3 of 4

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Chapter 68 : Guest

[3rd Person's Point Of View]

"Damn, Crap, Shit! I almost forgot about them." you continued to curse which made the rebels looks at me. "Let me in." you told Hisako.

"W-What do you mean?" Hisako asked.

"Oi, why are you panicking?" Soma asked.

"Is something the matter?" Erina asked.

"Yes! I have a big problem! Hide me! Let me in!" you said panicking.

"Tell us what's wrong first (Reader)-chan." Marui said.

"Gah! I don't have time to explain." you said then covered your face with your hands.

"Decora! Courage!" Anne exclaimed.

"Eh you know them?" Soma asked Anne.

"Yes, they are both renowned WGO adjudicators." Anne replied.

"What?! / There were people who bought into Nakiri Azami's ideals in the WGO, too?!"

"Yes, and we are the ones who trained Anne's palate to what is it today." Decora said while walking towards Anne.

"We helped her so much, she was finally able to become a full-fledged Bookman." Courage added.

"She was so useless back then." Decora mocked.

"Not to mention innocent and lame. Want to see a photo?" Courage said then showed a picture of Anne wearing a thick glasses.

"See those two with pigtails over there?" Decora asked referring to Megu and Nene. "Imagine those two combined into one. That's how cloddish she was." She added.

"Stop, Stop! Please stop!" Anne said. "Yamaguchi-kun they're bullying me!" Anne said looking straight at you which made you flinch.

"Ara~ Yamaguchi-kun is here?" Courage asked.

"Where's Yamaguchi-kun? Is she going to cook for us too?" Decora asked scanning the crowd.

"Y-Y-You know those rank one adjudicators (Reader)-chan?" Marui asked so you nodded.

"That's why I'm telling you to hide me- Ahck!"

"I found you Yamaguchi-kun~" Courage said touching your back which made you flinch. You then stood up straight.

"I-I... Hey, *Rage, Deco." you greeted smiling. {pronounced as: Raji}

"Yamaguchi-kun did you miss me?" Courage asked while clinging on your arm.

'Ahehehe... Where's (Reader)'s katana?' Ryoko thought while eyeing Courage.

"Are you going to cook for us again?" Decora asked clinging unto your other arm.

'Cook my ass-' Alice thought huffing her cheeks.

"I'm not actually joining the Shokugeki." you replied.

"HEY LET GO OF MY (READER)!!" Alice yelled and shook the railings.

"Oh? Who's this?" they both asked while looking at Alice.

"I am (Reader)'s girlfriend hmph!" Alice said huffing her cheeks. Decora and Courage froze before laughing at Alice.

"Yamaguchi-kun doesn't like kids like you." Decora said and poked Alice's nose making Alice glare even more.

"I wanted to taste your cooking again Yamaguchi-kun." Courage said. Then they dragged you to the stage.

'How dare they?' / 'Umm... They're forcing (Reader)-sensei to go with them... I'm too scared to step up...'

"Anyway, we'll be taking over so we won't be breaking any WGO rules." Courage said.

"Very well but I am also a 1st rank WGO adjudicator, so I will also participate in the deliberation." Anne said determined. "We require that concession at least."

"Very well. Miss Anne, you may stay." Azami said.

"Azami-sama may we ask that Yamaguchi-kun join us?" Courage asked.

"Very well but I'm sorry I wasn't able to prepare a seat for the both of you, Courage and (Reader)." Azami said.

"Ara~ I wouldn't mind just sitting on your lap, Azami-sama." Courage replied seductively.

"Yamaguchi-kun you can sit on my chair." Decora and Anne said in unison.

"Decora! Yamaguchi-kun will sit on my chair!" Anne said.

"I refuse, Yamaguchi-kun will sit on my chair." Decora answered emphasizing the word my.

"Uh, I think I should get going no-." Decora pulled you which made you sit on her chair.

"Yamaguchi-kun I will sit on your lap then~" Decora said before sitting on your lap and wrapping her arms on your neck.

"Tch... / Cora!" Anne and Courage exclaimed.

"Please continue with your preparations." Azami said. "The four of us wi-"

"Ah no, don't include me." you said.

"Very well, the three of us will be deliberating from now on."

"Ugh, they're so annoying!" Yuki exclaimed.

"They seriously took over the judges' table." Mito exclaimed.

"They even dragged (Reader) with them!" Ryoko said frowning.

"Man, Team Shokugekis sure do keep you on your feet. Talk about lucky." Soma added.

"How?!" Yuki and Mito exclaimed.

"Well think about it, the guy just got off his high horse to join us in this match. Now we can sock him with flavor personally." Soma said.

"This was definitely unexpected but let us continue with the fourth bout! All that remains is the first match Tsukasa Eishi versus Isshiki Satoshi, and the second match, Kobayashi Rindo versus Takumi Aldini!" Urara announced.

"I guess we're tasting Kobayashi's dish first. fetch me the wine, will you Courage?" Azami asked.

"Of course~ Azami-sama!" Courage said.

"Come on! Move your ass, Aldini! Rindo-senpai's coming through!" Rindo said while holding her dish then stopped at her tracks and looked back.

"It appears both contestants in the second match will be serving at once." Urara said. "The new faces at the judges' table will begin their tasting!"

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