34 - #29 Part 1/3

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Chapter 34 - New Director

[Your Point of View]

I came with Rindo to Entomophagy RS. “Hey, this isn’t bad! It feels like a sweeter version of soft roe, right (Nickname)?” she asked so I nodded.

“If I were to rate it from 0-5, it’ll be 3.” I said.

“Thank you! Asian giant hornet larvae taste good, don’t they?” the guy told us so I shrugged.

“I’m not really into these stuffs but I like finding new taste.” I said.

“Thanks for the food!” Rindo said as she held my hand. “Okay, next up...”

“Oh, this line must be for Kuga’s booth!” Rindo said so I looked at the opposite direction.

“Soma! Megu!” I said waving at them.

“Oh, there it is. Yukihira Soma’s little stall.” Rindo said. “Black pepper bun huh? Looks good! They’re eating something with chopsticks?”

“Senpai, tomorrow I’ll be helping him out.” I said then she laughed and pat my head.

“That’s good!”

Time passed by quickly I was back at Polar Star while playing my guitar. I was currently waiting for Soma and Megu.

I was laying on the grass while strumming my guitar.

/A-N: Song's not mine. Title: Drag Me Down by One Direction
/A-N: You can skip the song~ 💕

🎶 “All my life, you stood by me~”

🎶 “When no one else was ever behind me~”

🎶 “All this lights, they can’t blind me~”

🎶 “With your love nobody can drag me down~”

“We’re back!” I heard Soma yelled so I sat up. “Ohoho! (Reader)-chan nice song.”

“Welcome back you guys.” I said then stood up.

“(Reader)-chan were you waiting for us?” Megu said so I nodded.

“Yeah, now come I’ll cook for you. The others are resting already.” I said they smiled and went inside.

After eating Megu went to the bathroom, I was washing the dishes then Soma went beside me.

“(Reader)-chan, I found out what I’ll do!” Soma said so I smiled.

“Great, you’ll call Tomita-san to bring table, right?” I asked then he nodded. “Can you take my phone and call my dad.” I said so he did.

; Hello? Why are you calling so late at-”

“Hello Yamaguchi-san this is Yukihira Soma.”

; Oh? Saiba’s son! What do you need?”

“Dad, send 10 sets of table and chair tomorrow.” I said then closed the tap.

; For what?”

“It’s for the moon festival Sir.” Soma said.

; Alright. Yukihira, (Nickname) be careful when you meet him.” Dad said pertaining to Nakiri’s father.

“Who? / Yes, Dad.” I said.

Gamemode: Shokugeki no Soma / Food WarsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora