Chapter 15

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Melody’s first week of classes went well. She was happy she didn't have any crazy early classes. Most of her classes were requirements and didn’t go towards any major in particular. Melody was still undecided on her major. Her favorite class had to be her aquatics "class." She loved being in the water and anything to do with water. If she wasn't in class or studying she was hanging out with Zoe or Landon and Riley. Melody and Riley had become comfortable around each other. Once the pressure was off and they became friends it allowed them to be more open and relaxed around each other. Riley soon realized this was a mistake.


Saturday night Melody went to Landon’s dorm to have a movie night. He had gone out the night before and was still feeling the results. They were all sitting on Landon’s bed to see the TV. After the popcorn was gone and the movie was nearly over Riley looked around and realized he was the only one awake. He looked down at Melody, who was laying in between, and he studied her face, her hair, all of her. She looked so calm and happy. He thought she was beautiful. He watched her curl up a little more and he pulled a blanket over her. He brushed the hair that had fallen in her face back. Looking at her he knew he was in trouble. He shut off the TV and climbed into his bed. 


After waking up at Landon’s at almost noon Melody had a lot of studying to do before Monday. The dorm room was littered with books and papers everywhere from Zoe and Melody. There was a knock on their door. They both looked at each other. Neither one was expecting anyone and they were surprised it was already getting dark out. Melody got up and answered the door. There was no one at the door but there was a bag on the floor outside the door. Melody picked it up and looked around for whoever left it. She closed the door and walked back to her desk.

"What's that?" Zoe asked.

"I don't know. No one was at the door."

She opened the bag and the smell hit her. Her eyebrows shot up. There was a note.

I know it's not the same but i hope it helps! -R

"It's dinner."

Melody pulled out freshly made lasagna and garlic bread from the italian restaurant just off campus. Zoe walked over and gave her a look.

"Who’s it from?"

"Umm...Landon. You know how mom makes it every Sunday. He didn't want me to get homesick."

"Aww...makes me almost wish I had a brother. almost. But tell him I said thank you!" 

After grabbing their food they sat back down at their desks. Melody sent Riley a text.

Thank you! -M

You're welcome. I know you were studying and didn't want to bother you guys. -R

You're the best. I lost track of time and didn't realize I was hungry until I opened that bag. It's almost as good as home, how can I repay you? -M

Do worry about it. Have a good night Sweets! -R

Good night and thank you again -M


Melody just got out of the pool and got dressed. As she was walking out she spotted Riley. She figured he had just left the student fitness center because he was in his gym clothes. She yelled his name but he didn’t respond. He had his headphones in. She ran up behind him and jumped on his back. If it weren't for his quick reflexes she would have fallen on her butt. He turned around shocked and confused but smiled when he saw her. She didn't have any makeup on so you could see the light array of freckles on her face, her long red hair was wet and unkept, and she wore comfy, gym clothes. He thought she looked gorgeous. It took him a moment to realize he was staring. He took his headphones out of his ears. 


Melody laughed.

"Sorry I said your name a few times. I had to get your attention somehow."

She smiled.

"Yeah sorry, I just left the gym and forgot to turn the music off. Did you just come from the pool?"

"Yeah, I wish I could get in the pool every day. I don't know if I've ever told you but I'm obsessed with water."

"I think you've mentioned it a couple of times." He laughed. "Are you hungry?"

"Yeah, I was just going to go back and make me something, why?"

Riley thought about what he was doing and decided against it.

"Shit I forgot I have a quiz to study for. I need to get back. I'll text you later."


Riley walked Melody to her building and said goodbye. Melody thought he was acting a little odd but didn't want to think too much about it.


It was Saturday before they knew it and the first home game of the season. Melody was wearing her brother's jersey. Zoe was dressed up in the school colors. It was Zoe’s first college football game. Melody had been to a couple of Landon’s games in the past. By the time they were in their seats the stadium was full and the teams were running out on the field.

"What are Landon and Riley's positions again?" Zoe asked.

"Ok this is the last time...Landon is number 53 and he's the center. Riley is 84 and he is a wide receiver. I don’t even know why you want to know. We both know you have no clue what any of that means." 

The girls laughed and watched the game. Most of the game Melody spent trying to explain it all to Zoe. Melody loved football; watching football was something her entire family enjoyed doing. Melody tried to be understanding of Zoe's lack of knowledge. But when the offense was on the field she made Zoe shut up so she could watch. She screamed and cheered with the best of them whenever Riley caught a pass. And everyone was standing and cheering when they finished with a win. 

The girls waited for the guys to leave. They all walked back to the dorms together. 

"So Paxton you going out with the team tonight?"

"I don't think so. I was thinking about staying in and studying."

"Don’t let him fool you girls, he's just staying in so he can chat with his cyber chick."

Melody froze and Landon almost walked into her. 

"Woah, watch it sis."

Zoe gave Melody a look. They all kept walking and the subject was dropped. When they got back to their dorm Zoe got ready for the victory party but Melody didn't feel like going out. Once Zoe was gone Melody made some popcorn and turned on a movie. 

Hey can I come up? -R

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