Chapter 40

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I miss you -M

I miss you too My Sweets! But I'll be back next week. How are things going? -R

Classes are good. Willow is completely moved in. It's weird without you in the bedroom next door.  -M

Yeah it's weird being back in my old room. Archer’s friend got me a paid internship at his firm but I'm not making enough to get my own place. But I can't complain about the home cooking -R

It's late just wanted to say I miss you and good night I love you babe! -M

Get some sleep I'll talk to you tomorrow I love you too My Sweets -R

Melody put her phone on it's charger and laid down. She was wearing Riley’s jersey to bed like she had every night since he left. She had two; one was being worn and the other in the wash, like always. She had to hold back tears. She was excited to see Riley next week but she couldn't stand hearing him talk about life back home. It made it more real and more permanent. She couldn’t imagine two and a half years without him. She didn't mention it to Riley but she had met with her advisor about taking summer classes and doubling up on classes to see if she could graduate early. She sighed and tried to shut off her brain for the night. 


Riley was happy to be back. He had missed Melody and everyone. He nervously stood in the living room waiting for Melody to finish getting ready, with Zoe’s help of course. He checked himself in the mirror one last time making sure his white shirt was still crisp and clean. He hated dressing up but for one night out of the year he did it. He never understood why the football banquet was a formal event. When he heard the girls coming out he looked up...she took his breath away. She stood there in a gold dress, her hair down in loose ringlets, and her make-up was natural but highlighted her features perfectly. 

Riley cleared his throat and smiled at her

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Riley cleared his throat and smiled at her.

"Wow! You look amazing!"

"So do you, handsome!"

The banquet was the same as it was every year. Speeches, awards, dinner, and table chatter. Riley didn't care much for it the past three years but this year he had Melody on his arm. He had hated the fact he couldn't take her last year because of Landon. He watched as she walked towards him in the lobby and he couldn't believe she was his. All night his chest ached with pride every time someone complimented her. But as the evening ended the more nervous he got. He had to head back home tomorrow and he had one last thing to do before he left.

"Mr. Paxton, just the man I was looking for."

One of Riley’s professors pulled him out of his thoughts. 

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