Chapter 31

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Melody couldn’t wait for her shift to be over. She couldn’t focus on anything. The only thing she could think about was her doctor appointment first thing in the morning. While Willow was helping a customer Melody went in the back to grab some books to stock. She knew Patrick was on his break but was surprised to find him in the back room reading. She looked at his profile. He was pretty good looking, she couldn’t deny that. His masculine features, his broad shoulders, with his tossed hair and glasses. She looked down to see what he was reading. 

“I never took you for a romantic.”

He looked up at her and smiled. He laid down his copy of Pride and Prejudice. 

“I read a lot of things, depending on my mood. This is a classic and a favorite of mine.”

“It is my all time favorite. I’ve read it half a dozen times.”

He didn’t say anything just stared at her. There was an awkward silence before Melody grabbed what she needed and headed back to the front of the store. She was happy to see the place empty. 

“So Mel are you going to the party Saturday? I can’t wait. I haven’t been out since the ex and I split. Girls night?”

“I would but I kind of promised Riley some alone time this week since he was gone all last week.” 

She blushed, thinking if only she knew. Which made her think about her situation. She didn’t want to break down and cry again so she took a deep breath. She turned around to hide her face from Willow. She turned around and came face to face with Patrick as he came out of the backroom. She instantly saw concern in his eyes. That was enough to make her eyes water. She walked past him to the back room. A moment later Patrick stood in the doorway.

"Why don't you take off...Willow and I will close."

She looked up at him surprised.

"But I have two more hours…"

"You look like you need a break. And I know you're off the rest of the week for your first week of classes. We will manage without you. Just do me a favor."

"What's that?"

"Lose the sad eyes and bring that lovely smile with you when you come back Sunday."

Melody tried to smile and nodded. He returned to the front and she gathered her stuff to leave. Maybe Patrick wasn't so bad after all.


Riley came home from his first day of classes. He was planning to go for a run before Melody got home from work but he was surprised to find her asleep on the couch when he walked in. He changed into some sweats before sitting down next to her, trying not to wake her. He knew she wasn't sleeping well and was stressed. Tomorrow...they would find out tomorrow. He was aware she was awake when he felt her fingers trace across his abs. He smiled down at her before leaning down to kiss her. 

"Why aren't you at work?"

"I wasn’t feeling well so Patrick let me leave early."

Fear gripped his chest.

"Are you ok?"

"I'm fine. I wasn't sick, just emotional. I don’t know what it was but I suddenly found myself holding back tears."

He let out a large breath in relief.

"I'm sorry Sweets."

"It's ok. How was your day?"

They spent the rest of the night cuddled together talking. After dinner they curled up together in Riley’s bed and watched a movie. He was relieved to see her sleeping again. As for him, sleep was nowhere in sight.

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