Chapter 55

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| The end marks a new chapter in our life |

It didn't take too long for him to arrive, through the flash from my phone, I took a shawl on me and went downstairs to meet him.

He was clad in a simple hooded jacket and a denim jeans. His face was obscure from his hat and glasses, he suddenly leaned forward as I unconsciously snake my hands around his neck and tiptoe for a kiss.

Since everyone knew about our relationship, we can at least do this, I mean there's no people and all-

"Hey, focus on me" Ming Chen pouted as he looked at me grievously.

I chuckled softly at his immature act and peppered him with kisses. Of course this rogue would take advantage of it and kissed me deeply until my lips feel sore and head dizzy from lack of breath.

He pecked my lips for the last time and tugged me inside my home. Thankfully, my parents aren't here to witness our... actions and therefore, I was a bit... uneasy.

"So...." I started of with an awkward glance and immediately avoid his heated gaze.

This rogue! How can he think of vulgar things! It's too early- I mean yes it's already night but what I mean is that he's moving too fast!

"Well, well, well, it seems like my Feng-er was a bit lonely and so she called me for company, eh?" He teased and I pounded my fist on his chest making him chuckle deeply.

"I'm just... I wanted to ask you about... you know?"

"You know? So you know what I know and what I want to do now?" He asked with a roguish grin that made every hair in my skin get up.

I pinched the part between my eyes and eyes him hatefully. Just be thankful that there's a pillow between us or else I would have smack him in his face.

"Anyways... back to the topic" I glared at his annoying smile and continued. "Are... I mean are you sure now? Because I am and I want-"

I was cut off when Ming Chen suddenly leaped from my side and held my shoulders with his hands. He have this crazed and relieved look on his face and I was perplexed about his expression when he uttered his words.

"You're sure?! Really?! Are you really, really sure?! You're not... I mean you don't hate it?"

"Hate it?! No! Why would I... I mean I hated the thought of it back then but now..." I trailed off, his eyes were filled with glee and expectations that I couldn't help but giggle.

"Hey! Tell me Feng-er, you're killing me!" He groaned and burrowed his head on my neck.

I wove my fingers on his smooth and silky hair, it was so ft to the touch and the smell of lemon permeates in his head. Then I continued, my tone soft as I continued brushing his hair gently.

"Before you came and made a very surprising visit, I had already decided that I would... you know? Make our r-relationship public"

I can feel his smile on my shoulder and as soon as I was about to lift his face, he snaked his hands on my waist and pressed a kiss on my forehead.

"Thank you.... f*ck, I think I'm going to cry" he said and as soon as his words finished, lonesome tear fell from his eyes that he quickly wiped down.

I wasn't able to digest his surprising action and he was soon kissing my lips deeply. Skin upon skin met, our breaths intermingled with one another and the smell of love blossomed in the air.

I realized the fact that he was so patient, so accommodating to me and that I'm not the only person who wants our relationship to last for a very long time.

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