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Ana sucked in a breath when she heard a noise outside the door, scared that her plan didn't work. After what seemed like hours of waiting, she smiled.

For the first time in what felt like weeks, a true, genuine smile blossomed on Ana's face. Aaron and his team had probably apprehended The Man. Now all that was left was for them to find her — she had made it this long. What was waiting a few more days?

During that time that Ana waited, she thought. About everything. Her life, her parents, Aaron and his team — who were slowly becoming family before she got kidnapped. The Man was a real piece of shit.

Five days. It had been five days since Ana had gone missing. Aaron was loosing his mind he hadn't seen her since before he left for his last case almost two weeks ago.

Aaron was pacing in his office, frustrated tears stung at his eyes as he raked his fingers through his hair recklessly. The team had gotten all the information out of him that they could. Every last bit. It embarrassed him immensely, talking about his time spent with Ana, the nature of his relationship with her. Everything.

Hayley had picked up Jack from his apartment the night before. Aaron welcomed the ball of energy that was his son with open arms, Jack was a welcomed distraction.

Reid practically ran down the halls of the BAU, going as fast as his legs would carry him to Hotch's office. The man Hotch had arrested almost two days prior refused to talk, eat or even ask for a lawyer. But now he was willing to talk.

"Hotch." Reid said firmly, his confidence with the man had grown ever since the beginning of this case. "He's willing to talk."

Aaron walked briskly to the door, having every intention of shoving past Spencer if he didn't move out of his way. Spencer quickly stepped to the side, realizing that Hotch wouldn't hesitate to stand on him if he didn't. Instead, he clasped his shoulder firmly, making Aaron halt in his tracks.

"But only to you." Reid said gently.

Hotch nodded, letting Reid lead him to the interrogation room Conrad Jacobs was in. Aaron scrunched his nose up at the appearance of the man he'd arrested. He was sitting silently at the table, his hands were folded in front of him, his hair was now untidy and falling in his face from his days spent in the one room. The team watched as Hotch stepped inside the room and the unsubs head immediately flew up. A smile formed on the unsubs lips as Hotch took a seat opposite to him.

"You wanted me here. Now talk." Aaron commanded firmly.

The unsub grinned dubiously, "Demanding. Ana must like that. I bet Hayley does too." He sneered.

Aaron growled, "Where is Ana?" He leaned closer to the man he was questioning, finally noticing the similarities in their appearance. "Why the fuck do you look like me?"

The unsub chuckled before his expression hardened, "Why do you think Agent Hotchner? I did all of this for a woman who doesn't even love me back. No. She loves you." He spat.

Aaron's eyes widened, they had abandoned the suspicion that Hayley was apart of this case two days ago, when they honed in on the belief that the target was Aaron and that someone was unhappy with his divorce. But it seems that she played a huge part in this.

Aaron stood up and walked out the door, "Get Hayley down here now." He said darkly, his anger shrouding his judgement and rational thinking. All he could focus on now was getting Ana back.

The team converged in the conference room, with the exception of Morgan, who was interrogating the unsub. Not that he was saying anything.

"Sir," Garcia squeaked, "I know we abandoned the whole Hayley theory but it just didn't feel right and with the new information that has come to light, I'd like to think I was right in ignoring your orders and digging into Haley's life anyway." Aaron gave her a look which everyone knew meant 'quit rambling and get to the point'— Reid knew it all too well.

dangerously  ↝  a. hotchnerOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora