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It had been a week since Aaron left for his case and the only contact she'd had with him was a short phone call telling her nothing but the fact that there would be an agent stationed outside her house and work at all times. She was extremely worried when he told her that, but he calmed her down and told her there was nothing to be worried about — it was just a precaution.

It was kind of creepy when she woke up in the morning and he would be parked outside. Although he never failed to greet her good morning and wish her good night, or at least that's what she thought he was doing when he gave her a curt nod in the morning and evening.

"Is he at least hot?" Charlotte asked as she twiddled her pen on her desk in boredom.

Ana leaned over the counter in front of Charlie. "I guess. He looks like a movie agent. Black suit, ear piece, always wearing sunglasses."

Charlotte snorted, "Like your boyfriend?"

Ana grinned and nodded, "Except he's hotter."

"So you wouldn't mind if I just..." she made the motion of walking and gave her a dramatic wink.

Ana exhaled sharply through her nose. "I wouldn't, he might." Charlotte pouted, "Married, saw the ring when I got home yesterday. It was very shiny underneath the street lights."

Charlotte huffed, going round back to stow away some files. She carried on talking as she did. "How is agent Hot stuff? How long has he been away?"

"Over a week now. I wonder how it's going." Ana replied.

"He'll be fine." Charlotte reassured her, coming back to her desk. "He always is."

Ana nodded, not entirely convinced. The agent had to mean he was in some sort of danger, but she knew better than to ask him about his cases — he didn't like discussing work out of work. It was their thing. Although hers was more because of patient confidentiality, but it was all the same at the end of the day.

"Okay." Charlotte banged her hands against the top of her desk. "Enough of that." They were cut off by the shrill beeping of Ana's pager.

"I," she paused to look at her pager. "Am getting paged to the ER." She skin around on her heel and headed out her office.

"Must be your favorite Dr Oppenheimer." Charlotte sung out after her.

Ana laughed and made her way down to the ER, immediately being swept up by a surgical resident. She winced when she heard panicked screams coming from one of the trauma rooms.

"MVA. Patient came in with extensive trauma but as soon as the doctors tried to treat her, that happened." The resident filled her in, nodding towards the room the patient was in.

Ana took a deep breath in and entered the room, seeing Dr Oppenheimer trying to examine the patients open head wound.

"Dr Pierce." The doctors eyes crinkled as he smiled gently at her, his greying hair was a stark contrast between that and his dark blue scrub cap — which Ana noticed as she walked over to where he was standing. "We're about to give her a sedative, but before we do, I'd like for you to asses her."

Ana nodded, "I'll do it as fast as I can." And so she went through the standard procedure for checking a trauma patient, finding signs of anxiety and evidence of a psychotic break.

The patients eyes went wide as they fixated their gaze on a certain spot on the wall and started screeching their lungs out again. Ana rushed over and checked her eyes and pupils response to light.

"I think she's hallucinating." She murmured as she stood back up. "You can sedate her now, I'll see her after surgery I presume."

The surgical resident from before nodded, "She has extensive internal bleeding. We need to get on top of that before she bleeds to death. We'll page you when she's awake Doctor."

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