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Shit because one: she completely forgot Spencer was coming over, two: she did not know how it would look if Aaron opened his door to see one of his agents standing there, and three: she hadn't changed into anything presentable for the day.

Ana all but ran out of her room to see exactly what was happening as soon as she heard Spencer's voice. She remembered him the moment Aaron had introduced the two of them at the BAU. That dorky guest lecturer who had actually given her the time of day and answered some of her questions. It all felt like a lifetime ago, when she was that hopeful PhD student, thinking that getting her doctorate was going to help change the world.

"Hey Spencer." Ana greeted him, a wide smile on his face as she saw the stacks of books and files tucked under his arm. His bag also appeared to be bulging with a whole lot more books. "Come in."
Spencer nodded, not taking his eyes off Hotch as he walked slowly inside.

Ana had totally forgotten that she'd asked Spencer to bring her some of his old psych books and help her out with one of her patients (whose identity is completely confidential, of course). The events that transpired the day before had wholly derailed her mind from rational thinking — seeing Spencer at her door was like a harsh awakening.

Aaron watched Spencer intently. His jaw tensed considerably when he saw Spencer set his books down on the table in front of the couch, as if he'd been Ana's apartment before — he hadn't, by the way. Instead of saying anything, Aaron stalked to Ana's room, not even noticing the way Ana apologized to the other doctor sitting on her couch and sped after him.

He immediately started pulling on his jeans, almost falling onto the bed in his haste to put them on.

"Aaron." Ana said loudly.

He ceased all movement, letting his hands fall from where he had begun to button his jeans and placing them at his sides, waiting for her explanation as to why Spencer Reid, his coworker, was in her sitting room.

She sighed as she watched the way his chest heaved and his jaw tightened. "He's only here to help me with an extremely confusing patient. Really."

Aaron nodded curtly, going to button his jeans but freezing in his tracks as he watched Ana walk towards him. She stopped right in front of him, resting her fingers on the waistband of his jeans and then slowly trailing them down, her fingers gripping his zipper and dragging it up slowly. His breath came out in short, ragged breaths as the intense eye contact between the two of them never broke. She buttoned his pants up, her nimble fingers making sure the button was secure before taking her hands off his pants and instead gripping his arms softly.

"I'll call you."

He nodded and gave her an angry kiss on the forehead, smirking slightly as he heard her chuckle and walk to her closet to grab a pair of grey sweatpants and slip them on underneath her shirt.

If she was going to be working with Spencer for a couple of hours, she preferred to do it not looking like a whore in a tiny shirt. Maybe that was exaggerating it, but she isn't comfortable in front of the doctor the same way she is in front of Aaron.

She listened as he said his short goodbyes to Spencer and left, letting the door click behind him. Ana took that opportunity to walk out of her room and make her way to where Spencer was sitting and waiting patiently for her.

"Hey." He said, a bright smile on his face. He knew Hotch wasn't happy at all to see him at Anastasia's place, but he was happy that his boss was happy. Maybe they'd get weekends off now.

"Hey." She replied, sitting down next to him and grabbing a couple of files from the stacks in front of her. "Charlotte should be here in the next ten minutes." She watched as he nodded, distracted by one of the books he'd brought with him.

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