Chapter 7

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Gabby's POV


A week had passed since Allie met Jordan. And to be quite honest, it disturbed me knowing that Jordan still had that affect on me. I couldn't sleep, I couldn't work properly and I caught up in my own mind. Thankfully, the bar was okay. We had two more people to help and my closest friend from the old bar was here.

"What's wrong with you?" Anne sat on the chair in my office. "You seemed off for the past week, Gab."

I sighed, rubbing my temple while thinking should I tell her or brushed it off. Anne almost knew all of me but I never told her about Jordan. Maybe she didn't know that I had a girlfriend in the past. I glanced at her, she seemed waiting for me and I knew she was curious. I trusted her, maybe I could tell her.

I didn't tell Allie about this because I knew she would defend Jordan. Hell, she was my daughter yet she defended Jordan like she was her own mother. She did that because I knew she wanted me to go back to Jordan so badly and I didn't know what to do about that.

"Uh, I met my ex." I replied.

Anne raised her brows. "Thomas? Or Steven? Where? When?"

"No, no. Not Thomas nor Steven." I waved my hand.

Anne narrowed her eyes suspiciously, of course, because she only knew about Thomas and Steven. "Then who? They're your exes, aren't they?"

"Yes, but this isn't one of them." I responded.

"Okay?" Anne waited patiently.

"Uh, her name is Jordan. And we broke up ten years ago." I averted my gaze from Anne immediately.

Anne's eyes bulged out. "You're bi?"

Okay, she was more concerned about my sexuality than my problem. Good. Ugh.

"I don't know. I don't wanna label myself. But she was the first and only woman I have ever loved and no other women are able to make me fall in love with them."

"Holy shit." Anne whispered, she looked up to see me and then burst out laughing. "Holy shit, I can't believe it you had a girlfriend! I thought you're straight as a pole!"

I rolled my eyes. "Thanks."

"I'm sorry." Anne tried to stop laughing. "Was that the reason you couldn't do your job properly these days?" I nodded. "Well shit, woman. She must be something else! I believe she was great to make you feel this way and still can't get over her even though it has been, uhm, how long? Ten years? Damn!"

"I am over her!" I raised my voice but Anne chuckled, ignoring my denial.

She waved her hand. "Okay, you're over her. But tell me, what did you feel when you met her again?"

I felt like I was alive again even if I just looked into her eyes. I said to myself. I sighed, not knowing what to answer that question and obviously not to give her a hint about what I felt. I glanced at Anne who raised her brows, waiting for me to answer.

"You don't need to answer that, Gab." Anne patted my shoulder. "You aren't over her. You just avoided her. And guess what? Deep inside in your heart you still keep those feelings."

I hated when Anne knew how to read me. Ugh, it was annoying though. She knew me so well and I didn't have a statement to argue on that one because I knew it was true. Not even Thomas could break the box of Jordan inside my heart.

I rubbed my temple. Anne talked to me again. "It's not wrong to rekindle your relationship. Maybe it ended up bad ten years ago but you don't have to torture yourself, Gab. I know you missed her."

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