Chapter 24

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Jordan's POV


Finally I could breathe again after this fucking stupid meeting. How could someone be so stupid to agree on this agreement? It was nonsense. I had no idea why my colleague told me that it was a good deal.

I looked at the date then I sighed. I missed Allie's seventeenth birthday and it made me sad. I told her that I was still in another country. Although she said it was okay, but I knew it wasn't. She forced to smile when we FaceTimed and I could see she was sad.

One more day. I told to myself. One more day and I'll be home. I didn't tell anyone that I flew back tomorrow morning, not even Becca because I knew she'd tell Allie if I told her. I wanted to make a surprise for them, especially Gabby.

Yes, I had made up my mind. It was a hard choice for me but I found myself kept loving her no matter what she did to me and I forgave her already even though I didn't say it to her directly. She was the one for me. She was mine and I wanted to make her happy like we used to be. The three of us. That was my family. They were my family. They were my home. She was my home.

I couldn't stop smiling when I was walking to catch a cab. I was tired, but I wanted to see Gabby as soon as possible. So I texted her. A little bit harsh if I might add but it was a surprise after all. I said that she didn't have to wait for me again because I was home. I was ready to be with her again.

But she wasn't at the bar. Her coworker, the black haired woman who knew my name when we first met, told me that she was home once her shift ended. So I went to her house right away. It was eight thirty in the night so I assumed they were still enjoying the day in the living room.

I knocked at the door. I couldn't help but smile. I couldn't wait to see their faces again after these six months. God, that was a long time. I couldn't believe I was away that long. No matter who opened the door, I'd like to hug them.

But my face fell when I didn't saw one of them, instead a red haired woman who stood arrogantly in the doorway.

"Who are you?" I asked her.

"Who are you?" She imitated me, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Who's that, Grace?" I heard her voice.

Then I heard she was coming closer, the red haired woman and I were still having a staring contest. Gabby came into view and I swore she was more than shocked when she saw me standing face to face with this bitch.

"Who is she, babe?" The red haired woman, Grace, emphasizing the word 'babe' to Gabby and I swore both of us were surprised.

Here I was, standing on her porch along with my luggage and my bag because I thought I was coming 'home', but her 'home' was having another 'thing' to rest.

And I was broken once again.


I never thought this old me would cry again like a baby. Why life always fucked me up? Why couldn't I settle down with the one I loved and just like that? I was too old for this shit. I was tired. The one who broke my heart was the only one who could fix it and she broke it again one more time.

It was over.

We were really over.

I sighed, looking at the ceiling but my vision was blur. Then there was a knock at my door. I didn't want to get up. After I went home from her house two days ago, I found myself laying on my bed all day long and doing nothing than crying like shit.

Allie called me but I ignored her. Talking to her was just like talking to her mother and I didn't want to let my heart got hurt again. Fuck, why was this so complicated? The knock grew louder and if they kept knocking like that I swore my door would be broken.

I wiped my tears off, washed my face and walked to the front door. I saw outside and it was about to rain, good to add my misery. Once I opened the door I was attacked by a lips I had known for so long.

I stumbled down before I could do something. Then I heard the rain was starting to grow heavy. Gabby kept moving her lips in mine and I kissed her back no matter what happened between us. I just missed her and I waited for her to explain to me who the fuck that woman was.

"Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait." I pulled her away slowly. "We need to talk first."

Gabby looked at me, frowning. We both stood up, facing each other and I found longingness in her eyes and her love was still there. And I believed my eyes gave it away too because she started to grin.

"Who the fuck was she?"

"Why did you text me like that?"

We both asked at the same time. Then we burst out laughing in the middle of crying. I hugged her tightly, she hugged me back with the same feelings I poured into this hug. She cried on my chest and I placed my head on her shoulder, feeling the same warmness when I touched her.

"I missed you." She said.

"I missed you too." I replied.

"I'm sorry." Gabby said and I knew what she meant.

"I forgave you long time ago, Gab." I replied.

"And I'm sorry because of her." Gabby said.

"Was she the one you fucked?" I asked and I felt she slapped my chest when she nodded.

"Well, you have a bad taste of women for sure. Except me." I slightly chuckled.

"Blame me because you're the only woman I could fall for." Gabby caressed my jawline. "I can't fall for someone else, Jordan. I keep falling for you after all this time."

I looked down to peck her lips, she had this eyes when she wanted me so bad. Blah, just say she wanted to fuck me. Hard. Her eyes told me that she was sorry for everything she had done that hurt me. I kissed her forehead, her nose and last, her lips.

I placed my chin on her head, she hugged me tight like I was going to disappear if she let me go. I heard she cried again, I rubbed her back lovingly, kissing her crown and mumbling an it's okay to stop her tears. We both just like that for at least a half an hour.

"Why aren't you tell me that you were going home?" Gabby asked me.

"I wanted to make a surprise for you." I replied. "Turned out I was the one who got the surprise."

Gabby chuckled. "Well, at least I don't love her."

"You fucked her once, babe." I rolled my eyes.

Gabby gasped dramatically. "Do you think I fucked her just once that night?"

"What the fuck?!" My mouth agape, Gabby chuckled.

"I'm joking, baby." Gabby laughed. "Just once."

"Not funny." I pouted.

"I'm sorry, baby." Gabby pecked my lips. "I didn't mean to do that to you. I regret that. I don't want to hurt you."

I sighed heavily. I knew it was bad, really bad because she broke my trust. But the other part of me was telling me that it didn't change a single thing about her, I still kept falling for her.

People made mistakes and she did that, to me, but there was no lesson to take if we made no mistake, right?

I cupped her cheeks, looking deeply into her eyes. "I forgave you once I was away from you, Gabrielle. You did it unintentionally because you're angry. And now let me tell you this, do not make a decision when you're angry, okay? If you have anything that bothers you, talk to me. We're in a relationship, it involves two people so we discuss the problem, not running away. I don't want we have to face something like this again. Do you understand me?"

Gabby nodded, I liked it when I intimidated her a bit. "Thank you."

I hugged her again. "Let's forget it."

"I love you." She said while looking at me in the eyes.

I smiled. "I know." She raised her brows, I laughed. "Let me prove it to you." I whispered in her ear.

Gabby pushed me lightly, I kissed her and savour every taste of her mouth.

Anchor (GirlxGirl) (Lesbian)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ