3.The Old Days

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Ethan's POV.

We are all sitting in the limo. Victor was deep in his thoughts. Liam and Lucas were sitting silently, not even uttering a word. William was looking at all of us, not really knowing what to do. Victor would be thinking about meeting Desiree after 11 years. She was just a little girl then. But now she would be a teenager. When she was kidnapped in our parent's cemetery everyone was not themselves.

Victor became a mad man, yelling and screaming at each and every one in his eyesight except William. Liam and Lucas would sit in her nursery room for hours crying and seeing her photos. William was young to understand this. But he understood that Desiree was gone. All the while he would say, "She is our baby sorella. She will come back to us". We all hoped his words to become true. We even stopped speaking Italian as it reminded Desiree. But the day didn't came in the last 11 years.

Years rolled but Desiree didn't show up. We all buried our sorrow deep down our hearts, only to not hurt another one. We seem strong to each other but deep down we are all nothing but broken pieces of a beautiful painting. And a piece of the painting went missing. She is the only one would only complete us.

Everyone would think that she is our weakness. But no, she is our strength. Our strength was taken from us. Mom and Dad were the most beautiful couples anyone could see. They longed to have a daughter. But being born were all sons.

The day long ago was still in my eyes.

14 years ago.( A year before Desiree was born):

Victor was studying his last year in highschool. After that he would help dad with his business. I was studying in eighth grade. Liam and Lucas were in 4th grade and William was in 1st grade.

I was playing with Liam and Lucas. Victor was sitting in the couch with a book in his hands and William was sleeping on his shoulder. Mom and Dad was sitting in the couch next to each other.

My mom was a beautiful lady in her later thirties. She has a long brunette hair that runs upto her waist. Her emerald green eyes would gleam with happiness whenever she see us. Her skin was pale and she had a long brows.

Dad was a professional businessman and mafia boss in his early forties. He had a blonde hair and  blue eyes. Desiree inherited mom's hair and dad's eyes. We all have blue eyes. Mom would say that we all cheated her and inherited dad's features.

"Ma le figlie non corrono nella tua linea di sangue, tesoro.(But daughters don't run in your bloodline, honey)" Mom said. We all stopped what we were doing and started to listen to them.

"È un mito. Possiamo riprovare.(Its a myth,babe. We can try again)." Dad said.

"Possiamo provare tutto quello che vogliamo. possiamo anche dare alla luce 10 bambini. Ma non sono sicuro che sarà una ragazza.(We can try all we want. We can even give birth to 10 children. But I'm not sure that it will be a girl.)" Mom said with a smile. Dad smiled and kissed mom's forehead. Victor rolled his eyes and continued to read his book. Victor said that they have talked this before everyone of us were born. Him being the first child was listening the same conversation for the fourth time.

After a few months, eventually mom got pregnant. Dad was on a business trip, so she called him.

"tesoro, sono incinta(Honey, I'm pregnant)." Mom said over the phone. Dad's happiness was clearly heard through the phone's speaker.

"grazie a dio, spero che questa volta sia una ragazza.(Thank god. I hope it's a girl this time)." Dad said through the phone. And mom nodded her head happily. Tears of joy running down her cheeks. But we were not sure at the time that it's a girl.

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