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Nico's POV
I opened the front door, inviting Damien into my house. He had called about an hour and a half ago, asking if he could crash at my place for the night, and I just knew that he and my sister got into an argument.

"Thanks, man," Damien said as he entered my house.

I nodded, "No problem, bro. You and Sagacity good though?"

He sighed while shaking his head. He then asked, "Kendall up, cause you know she boutta report everything I say?"

I chuckled, "She fell asleep a few minutes after you asked if you could spend the night."

"Aight good," Damien said, and we walked to the living room and sat down. "It's like we can't see eye to eye on anything. Everyday is another moment to argue."

"Y'all arguing about anything in particular or just silly shit?" I asked to get a better understanding of the situation.

Damien sighed, "Bro, it be the small shit."

Remembering that he wasn't at her grand opening, I asked, "Did tonight have anything to do with you not showing up to her event?"

"Yeah," he admitted. "I got caught up dealing with something with Sarah and wasn't able to make it back in time."

I frowned, "Why were you with Sarah?"

"She's going through some stuff that she had told me about back when we were dating in college. Apparently it's still going on and she just needed someone to talk to, but then the problem escalated, and I ended up having to diffuse it, which is why it took so long," Damien answered. "I told Sagacity that it's something private because I don't wanna be telling Sarah's business or whatever, and she got upset. I think she also got upset that I'm still following Sarah on Instagram. Then when I was like here we go again because I could sense the beginning of another argument, shawty didn't even bother to argue with me. She fucking broke up with me and told me she needs space. Four years and a whole kid with this girl and she fucking breaks up with me? So I got pissed and dipped."

I shook my head at the whole situation before suggesting, "Y'all should just work on communicating better."

"That's what I think too but whenever I try to say that, I feel like it just comes out wrong. She be ignoring me sometimes too and I just be talking to myself, basically," Damien sighed while slumping forward. He propped his elbows up on his knees before resting his head between his palms. "My thing too is that she be wanting me to talk about shit I don't wanna talk about or shit that don't hold no weight."

I frowned, "Like what?"

"Like my feelings from the whole kidnapping stuff. I don't wanna talk about that shit. I honestly try my best not to think about it. And then she claims I'm being secretive about my whereabouts when I literally just be going on rides to clear my head. I don't even be heading anywhere specific," Damien answered. "It's like when I tell her the truth, she don't believe me like at this point I don't know what to do. Besides me wanting her back, I'm also thinking about how the split will affect Aurora."

"Yeah, y'all gotta find at least someway to cordially interact," I nodded.

Damien sighed while relaxing into the couch and gliding his hands down his face. "All she wanna do is argue with me. Honestly, I'd rather her yell at me than fucking end shit. Like how dare she?"

Finding his reaction amusing, I chuckled, "You sound more annoyed that she ended it, rather than you being hurt from being single."

Damien chuckled, "Nah cause I've never got dumped before. Imma give her a day to get over it."

I chuckled, "What if she was serious about it though?"

Damien stroke his chin before shaking his head, "Nah. She can't be."

"Are y'all even still engaged?" I questioned so that I could gage their entire relationship status.

Damien shook his head, "Nah, not really. I told her to keep the ring but we agreed on dating to try and figure shit out."

"You haven't been single in years," I pointed out. "Don't go doing nothing stupid now."

"Am I really single though?" he asked.

I shrugged, "If she was actually serious about it, then yeah."

"I'll give her till Monday," Damien replied.

I nodded, "Well, you're welcome to stay as long as you want, but I think you should try and work things out with her before y'all grow even more distant."

"Yeah, you're right," he agreed before exhaling a deep breath. "Let's just hope she's willing to talk this time."

"Right," I agreed before asking, "want anything to drink or eat?" He shook his head, and I informed, "Well, if you change your mind, the kitchen is straight ahead. The liquor's in the top cabinet. Help yourself to anything you want. Imma head back up to Kendall and get some sleep. The guest room is the first room to the right, and the bathroom is the first to the left."

Damien gratefully replied, "Thanks, man. I don't think imma drink though."

I chuckled and nodded in understanding. I knew that although he had been laughing the situation off, he was actually hurt and upset that he wasn't with my sister anymore. I could tell that he already missed her. I was just hoping that he wouldn't be stubborn by tomorrow and would actually talk to her.

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