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Sagacity's phone began to vibrate on the bedside table that it was left on, so I crawled out of bed and reached for it so that I could bring it to her, since she was in the kitchen. I looked down at the phone and halted in my tracks when I saw the caller ID. How did Ashton get City's number, and why was he calling her?

I answered the call, and Ashton cheerfully greeted, "Hello?"

"Yes?" I answered.

"Um...who is this?" he questioned with confusion clear in his voice.

"Why you calling my girl's phone?" I asked instead of answering him.

He huffed before replying, "Obviously to speak to Sagacity."

"Who the fuck you talking to like that?" I frowned, already angered. Who the fuck this little nigga thought he was? Obviously he wanted to get knocked the fuck out.

Timely, Sagacity came into her room, and she frowned when she saw me with her phone in my hand. "Who are you talking to?" Sagacity questioned.

I hung the phone up and asked, "Why that nigga calling your phone?"

"Who?" she frowned.

"Ashton," I answered as she walked over to me. She reached for her phone, but I moved my hand backwards.

She rolled her eyes and sighed, "We met up the night of my event and exchanged numbers."

"Why?" I asked.

"Because he's an old friend, we don't have bad energy, and he wanted to invite Aurora to his son's birthday event," she answered.

"How he knew about your event?" I frowned.

"Zach and him met up and it got mentioned to him," Sagacity sighed. "He came to show support and just catch up a bit."

Zach was definitely getting paid a visit today.

I frowned, "So you had the nerves to get pissed at me when I got back in contact with Sarah when you had gotten back in contact with Ashton that same night?!"

"I didn't miss an important event to visit his house. Besides, Ashton isn't my ex. We never actually dated," she argued.

"Well, I don't want y'all talking," I said as I shoved her phone into her hands.

"Why are you acting like this?" she frowned. "He's literally just an old friend."

"No the fuck he isn't and you know that," I said while slipping on my sneakers. "He's the same guy you were planning to date when you were moving on from me. Obviously imma feel a type of way if y'all still talk to each other."

"Alright but that was four years ago," she argued.

I pointed out, "So was Sarah, yet you still flipped on me."

"You and Sarah fucked before and actually talked about deep shit," she argued.

I huffed, "And if I hadn't shown up in time you probably would've fucked Ashton and talked about deep shit with him. Don't think I don't know about that whole spin the bottle shit."

"We wouldn't have had sex. The fuck do you take me for?" Sagacity frowned. "You think I just meet a guy and spread my legs? And who told you about the spin the bottle thing?"

"Not what I meant, Cit. I'm just saying eventually, if things had went right with you two, you and he probably would've gone there," I clarified. "Besides, I wouldn't have dated Sarah if I knew you liked me at the time. I would've definitely tried to work shit out with you, even if that meant sneaking around like we did when we eventually confessed our feelings for one another."

She stared at the floor and nodded before looking up at me and questioning, once again, "Who told you about the spin the bottle thing?"

"Justin did," I answered. I then grabbed my coat and put it on before grabbing my phone off the bedside table.

"Where are you going?" she asked, curiosity laced in her eyes.

"To Zach's place," I answered.

"Seriously?!" she sighed. "They were on a team together. Of course they're still friends."

"I don't care that they're friends. I care that he told him about your event knowing what he knows," I said. "I'm not gonna argue about you contacting him again. I want that nigga blocked, for real."

"Okay so block Sarah then and tell me the password to your phone since you wanna go down this road," she demanded while crossing her arms.

"Okay," I agreed. The phone I kept in the house was different from the one I used to contact my mother anyways. If she wanted the password to the phone she knew of, I had no problem giving her it. "It's not a trust issue on my end." She hummed while nodding sarcastically. "He still got a thing for you, babe. I can sense it. I don't want him making any moves, and yes, I know you wouldn't entertain that. I just don't like the idea of him attempting to do it, nonetheless, and I definitely don't want our kid around him."

I opened up Instagram, blocked Sarah, and showed Sagacity my phone.

"Password," she reinforced. "It's not our cuff date anymore."

So she had tried unlocking my phone before...

"It's the date that we were gonna get married on," I answered. She pressed the power button, locking the phone. She then clicked the power button again and typed in the date before handing me my phone, and I was happy to know that she still remembered the date. She then unlocked her phone, blocked Ashton's number, and showed me the proof. "Aight. I'll be back."

"Don't go," she shook her head while taking my hand in hers. "It's Christmas Eve, our daughter is probably gonna wake up soon, and it does no one justice to pick a fight. If anything, you can pull Zach aside and have a cordial conversation about it if you're still angry by tomorrow, but we don't need any tension at the dinner."

I sighed and agreed, "Fine."

She smiled faintly while unzipping my jacket. "I'm gonna finish making breakfast. If Aurora wakes, you can send her down to the living room," she informed, and I nodded in compliance.

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