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Damien's POV
I unlocked the house door with the spare key I was given to use. I then motioned to take my coat off and hang it up like I normally would but halted in my tracks when I noticed the engagement ring I had given Sagacity sitting in front of the vase on the mini table. The vase contained the flowers I had bought her.

Not wanting to have an outburst, I took a few deep breaths before hanging my coat up. I then grabbed the ring and slid it into my back pocket before proceeding to the room I had originally been staying in. I kicked my shoes off and went into my drawers and noticed that she didn't move any of my clothes from out of her room.

I sighed and went up the stairs and to her room before knocking on the door. "Come in," she dryly replied, and I inhaled a quick breath before opening the door. "Where were you last night?"

"Honestly, none of your business," I said as I walked over to the dresser that had all of my clothes.

"Did you really have the audacity to go back to her house?" Sagacity asked, and I looked over at her with a frown on my face. Wasn't she the one that broke up with me last night?

I shrugged, "So what if I did? We're done, aren't we? Didn't you end everything last night?"

"So as soon as we break up you go to your ex's house and do God knows what?" she asked, as she climbed off the bed.

"Like I said, we're done. I don't owe you any info on my whereabouts," I replied. I then opened one of my drawers, but she slammed it shut. "You better chill out."

She huffed before walking up into my face and crossing her arms, and if she weren't wrapped in her silk robe, I just knew I'd be staring at her cleavage. "What- gonna choke and slap me again? Maybe snap my wrist this time?!" I rolled my eyes and tried to get around her, but she blocked me from getting the drawers. "Where were you, Damien? I'm not gonna ask again."

I looked into her eyes and couldn't help but be amused. "Who ya little short ass talking to?" I chuckled, finding her threatening me actually amusing.

"Obviously you," she said with attitude laced in her voice, all while rolling her eyes.

"You're really cute when you're mad," I admitted, finding her attitude attractive.

"Fuck you!" she angrily replied while dropping her hands.

I smirked, "I d actually really like that right now."

"Go fuck your ex like you did last night."

"Technically, you're my ex, and I definitely haven't fucked anyone- unless you wanna change that," I continued to tease. Her eyes squinted a bit as she shook her head.

"Answer my question, Damien!" she demanded.

With an eye roll, I sighed, "I was chilling with Nico."

"And if I were to call him, he'd say that too?" she asked, and I nodded.

I then brought up, "For someone who broke up with me and even took off the ring, you seem very invested in who I sleep with."

"Just because we're on a break doesn't mean I want you sleeping with someone else," she said with an eye roll.

"A break? I thought we were done?"

"Just shut up," she said while walking away, but I took a hold of her hand and pulled her back to me. "I'm done talking to you."

"Trust me, you don't gotta do anymore talking," I seductively replied as I placed my hands on her waist. In a swift motion, I lifted her and placed her on top of the dresser.

"We're not back together," she pointed as I gripped her thighs. I leaned in for a kiss, but she turned her head, so I kissed her cheek before trailing kisses down her neck. "You don't just piss me off, leave, and then show up wanting sex." She placed her hands on my chest and extended them to keep me from kissing her.

I sincerely apologized, "I'm sorry, City. I really wanted to attend your event. I don't want you to feel like I don't care....I do, and I love you. I don't wanna argue with you anymore."

"Why were you with Sarah?" she asked, and I sighed because I knew the only way she would trust me and take me back was for me to give her a direct answer.

"Sarah's dad has been abusing her and her mom for years now. I'm the only one that she ever felt comfortable telling about it. When she graduated college, she moved out and had been living by herself, but her mom stayed because she wasn't getting hit anymore. Sarah hit me up yesterday asking if I could go with her to her mom's place to help her sneak her mom out of the house since her mom had called her telling her that she got hit again. When we went to get her mom, her mom started panicking and didn't wanna leave anymore. It took a while to convince her that leaving was the best option, and we also helped her mom pack her stuff before dropping them off at Sarah's place," I answered truthfully. "When I checked the time, the event was pretty much over, so I began heading back. I really didn't wanna miss your grand opening, Sagacity. I just got caught up. I'm sorry."

She nodded before saying, "I just wanted an explanation. I don't like when you had things from me. It makes me feel as if you don't trust me or are uncomfortable speaking to me about things. I accept your apology, and I'm sorry for not talking things out with you."

I smiled, "It's cool. I missed you."

"I missed you too," she chuckled while staring sweetly into my eyes, and I felt my smile widening even more. She trailed her hands down my chest as she bit her bottom lip, and my eyebrows raised in surprise. "Still don't have any condoms, by the way."

"Imma put ya ass on the pill..."

A/N: One chapter away from that surprising info I promised 🤭

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