chapter 16

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A few weeks have passed, everyone continue with their daily lifes like always. Rikayu have been spending the past few weeks accompanying Suzie that he didn't even notice the absence of a certain someone.

The capture targets noticed this abnormality and tried to talk to Rikayu without alerting Suzie, but they didn't have the chance too. Its like Rikayu has been glued to Suzie, which aroused their suspicion.

So they change their tactics and try to find Akira, but their efforts gone all for naught as they didn't even see a glimpse of him. They tried to ask people but no one saw him.They even asked the teacher if Akira take some days off, but it seem he didn't.

They racked their brains to find Akira but they got nothing, until they decided to just ask Rikayu head on. They make their way and found Rikayu, together with Suzie at the school's garden. Hikaru take the initiative to talk to Rikayu.

"Hey Rikayu? Can we talk, alone?"

Rikayu look at Hikaru, take a glance at Suzie and stand up. Hikaru lead Rikayu into the greenhouse and saw those familiar faces.

"What you want?"-rikayu

"Relax, we just want to ask if you saw Akira"-daichi

"Akira? Tch, its none of my business. He got nothing to do with me anymore"-rikayu


"You heard me. He got nothing to do with me anymore. You're right, i should have never involved with him in the first place"

"Why would you say that?"-edward

"What did you do?"-makoto

Makoto look at Rikayu sharply as he said this. He can feel Rikayu did  a mistake. A mistake like they did long ago.

"Me? You should ask him! He hurt other people!" -R



"Who Akira hurt?" -E

"Its Suzie! Why do you think I've been with the the whole time? It's because I'm guarding her so no one will bully her again!!"-R

"Oh godness"-H

"What the hell"-D


"Even you got fooled huh?"-E


"How can you be sure that he hurt her?"-M

"I saw him hurting her with my own eyes!"-R

"Are you sure?"-M


"Are you sure what you see is true? Are you sure it was bullying and not a set up?"-M

"What are you talking about?"-R

"I'm not going to explain. I will let you figure it out on your own. After all, you did the same mistake like we did. But with different situation"-M

Makoto said as he look straight at Rikayu. He whisper the last sentence that only Rikayu didn't hear.

He was right though. Thinking this back again, this is exactly the same reason why they hate Akira in their previous life. But that time, nobody tell them that it was a set up. Now that the same thing happened to Rikayu, they wouldn't let the same thing happened again.

But looks like its too late.

When they got reborn, they could change Akira's fate. They could change the future that will happened, but it seems the history will repeat again.

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