More than a Friend

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   She was woken up by the sun and there was a moment of panic, crap I've gotta get to work. As she tried to get up, thinking she was in her bed, she rolled off Kara's couch.

      "Ow." She waited a minute on the floor before getting up, noticing all the cobwebs under Kara's couch. Since when was her loft such a mess? The place isn't that old. She pushed herself up from the floor when she turned around to see Kara sipping a cup of coffee, watching Lena struggling from the doorway. "Wow, you just stood there and watched, while I fell off the bed like an idiot." Lena got up more quickly, embarrassed that she was such a mess. Normally she was so much more put together and professional, and, well, like Lena.

     "First of all, it's not my fault you fell off the couch. And second," Kara started walking towards Lena, "if I helped you, you would say something about not needing my help and that you can do it on your own."

      Lena smoother out her hair, and tried to look as put together as possible in a pair of yoga pants, and a catco sweatshirt.

      Kara started making Lena a cup of coffee, "So I was thinking that maybe, we could play hooky today. Both of us have been working a lot and I think it's best that we stay in, take a mental health day."

     "I don't believe in mental health days."

     "Maybe that's why you're falling off couches in the morning."

      "Okay, fine we can take one day off, I suppose that's ok." Something seemed wrong about leaving Kara's loft, or maybe it was more about leaving Kara.

      Kara brought Lena her coffee, "we can have a BFF day!" She was so excited to sit around and do nothing. "So I was thinking that we could watch our favorite movies."

     "Okay, so translation: you want to watch the wizard of oz."

      Her eyes widened, she smiled, and started nodding her head like a little kid, "yeah."

      "Of course we can watch the wizard of oz. You wanna go get us some potstickers and pizza."

       "Okay." Kara put down the coffee and blasted through the window. She was back with potstickers and pizza before her coffee even got cold. "Okay, if we're gonna do this, we're gonna do this right." They snuggled on the couch sharing one blanket. Kara opened the pizza box and already got started, while Lena was satisfied with just her coffee for now. As the movie started she noticed the mold growing in the corner of Kara's loft.

     "Hey, Kara you have mold in the corner of your loft."

     "Oh yeah, don't worry about that." Somehow that was enough for Kara to believe her. She was willing to leave it alone and keep watching the movie. In that moment Lena found peace, there was something about Kara where she could just let her guard down. Was this what having a best friend was supposed to feel like, or maybe this was more? Maybe, just maybe. Lena looked at the girl sitting next to her, with her flawless skin, bouncing blonde hair, and even without putting any effort in, she was one of the most beautiful girls she had ever met. Lena put her hand on Kara's face, and turned it so they faced each other. Sliding her hand behind Kara's neck, Lena pulled her in until their lips met. There was no resistance. Kara brought her arm around Lena's waist, and pulled her in. It was in this moment that she knew: she loved Kara, she always loved Kara.

     Their lips parted and they pulled each other closer. Kara held onto Lena's waist, while Lena slid her hand into Kara's hair, pulling each other so close that there was no more distance. Their chests were pressed together, and they held on as if letting go meant that this whole moment was over. Lena moved her way down Kara's neck, enjoying every last moment. 

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