Going home

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     When Lena woke up for the second time, she was finally free from the drains in her head, and she no longer relied on a feeding tube to keep her cells nourished. As slow as the progress may have been, it was progress nonetheless. Kara watched as Lena stood up for the first time in the physical therapy wing. Sure, she was using her arms much more than her legs, before she collapsed back down in her wheelchair. Even Lena had a smile on her face that was unmatched with anything Kara had see in these past weeks. Kara had watched the woman she loved work harder than ever these past weeks and that was saying something, because Lena was the most hardworking person Kara knew. She was practicing brail, and learning how to get around. She started learning how to do things on her own, such as getting from her bed to the wheelchair.
    "Again." She said, before pushing herself up, with sheer determination, on her frail and broken legs. Her naturally wavy hair hung just above her shoulders as she stood there just a little longer than she did the first time, before going back down. She had Kara cut her hair a week ago. A lot of the hair on the back of her head has been shorn off for her surgeries. At least shorter, her hair would even out more quickly, and without the length weighing it down her natural wave almost turned into curls.
    "Alright, Lena that was great, we'll do some more tomorrow."  Lena almost looked sad that her session was finished, like she wanted to go just a little harder.
    Kara came and grabbed onto the handles of her wheelchair, and started pushing her back towards her room. "Have you guys made any progress on finding my brother?" She asked Kara.
    "No, but everyone is on it." She paused for a moment, "You know Dr. Frazier has given you the all clear to go home, and Dr. Singh said that as long as someone is with you, you're clear to go home. You are eating on your own, you're able to get back and forth from the bathroom. You can do this without a million doctors and nurses."
    "What about physical therapy, occupational therapy?"
    "I'll bring you back to the hospital for those."
    "Well then I guess we're going home." Kara had gotten used to Lena not looking at her. Her eyes were open, but she always just stared blankly. It was hard at first, because even when Lena's eyes looked right at her, they looked right through her.
    "I thought you would be more excited."
    "I am, it's just, I don't know how to go back home without being me. How am I supposed to go back to the Lcorp building, knowing what happened there? And then, what? Are you supposed to just stay there with me, and watch me fail to navigate a massive penthouse?"
    "What if you don't go back home, what if you stayed with me? You said your mind palace was my loft, and that you knew where everything was. Besides you were attacked at the Lcorp building, so maybe you should come home with me. And I can keep helping you."
    "Ok..." she reluctantly agreed. So they went home. At first things went well, and Lena even took her first few steps. She felt a little like a small child who was learning to walk for the first time. Kara and Lena had almost a honeymoon phase. They were so entangled with being together, that the full grasp of what Lena was going through had yet to hit them. It had been six weeks since the assasination attempt, and Lena's next surgery was rapidly approaching. Soon she would begin to regain some of her mobility and independence. Sitting on the couch, Lena had her legs propped up and was laying ontop of Kara while they watched a movie. Lena may not have been able to see, but she got used to listening to the audio and character direction.
    "How do I look?" She asked Kara.
    "Gorgeous." She leaned down and kissed her gently. She stroked her hair, which fell just below her shoulders when straightened, "and I like your hair shorter."
    "I wish I could see it."
    "You might still get some of your sight back."
    "The longer that I'm blind, the less likely that it will happen."
    "I love you Lena Luthor, sight or no sight."
    "And I love you Kara Danvers, supergirl or not." They paused for a second and continued watching. "Kara?"
     "I don't know if I can do it." She sat up."I don't know if I can live my life as only half the person I was. I don't know if I want to! If I could storm away right now I would, but I'm kinda stuck here!" She was screaming now. The rage that had overcome her over the last six weeks now boiling over. Lena was usually the strong one, but she felt like half of the person she used to be. Supergirl wasn't off saving people, instead she was stuck playing babysitter to her girlfriend. "You need to be off saving people, not here taking care of me!"
    Kara was confused by the sudden burst of emotions, "I am saving people, because your genius, Lena Luthor, will save people one day. You will save more people than supergirl ever could. And if you think you will be ok, I will go back to the Tower with J'onn, but I'm not going back to Catco yet, but I will eventually."
    Lena kept crying, but now she was more sad than angry. "I will feel a lot better if I know you're out there saving people, and besides they will never catch Lex without you."
           "Okay, then I will go back to work tomorrow."

To the ones we loveTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang