Pizza love

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      "So, whatcha feeling for lunch?" Kara shouted over the sound of the wind as they hovered just above the clouds.

     "Hmm, what about, Pizza?" Lena looked at Kara with puppy dog eyes.

     "Well, how could I say no to that face?" She smiled back.

     The girls flew down to their favorite pizza place. It was a small place on the other side of town. While the place didn't have much foot traffic, it did have the best pizza in all of the National City.

     "Table for two please." Kara said as she guided Lena into the restaurant.

     "Would you like an extra chair to rest your legs on?" The waiter asked before seating them.

    "That would be lovely." Lena said. Most of the time when she sat, she did this thing where she sat on the edge of her seat, and let her legs rest on the ground, but having something to prop her legs up on was always preferred.

     The hostess sat them down and told them that their server would be with them in a fews moments. "A cheese pizza?" Lena asked Kara, not able to read the menu for herself.

     "Sounds good to me." A woman in her mid twenties approached the table. She was young with dark hair. She had a maroon T-shirt with the store's logo on it, a black pair of pants, and an apron with straws and a pad.

     "Hi, my name is Cate and I'm gonna be your server today, is there anything I can get for you to drink?"

    Kara answered first, "I'll have a coke."

   "Just water please, with lemon."

   The waitress left to get the drinks. "I feel better knowing things are being taken care of at L corp, but don't you think it's about time you went back to Catco. They're only gonna hold your position for so long."

    "I don't know Lena, I've been spending so much time at the tower. Nia has gone back to Catco, her and William have it covered. Nia is not working at the tower right now, between trying to catch Lex and taking care of you..."

     "Don't you get the point? You don't need to be taking care of me. I can navigate the loft, I can get myself food. I can keep myself entertained. I don't need you there all the time."

    "I know that. I know that you don't need me." Kara's voice started cracking, "but I need you. I need to feel like I'm helping you, and I need to be with you so that I know that you're okay."

    "Okay, I'm sorry. Sometimes I forget that this didn't just happen to me, this happened to you too. Go back to Catco when you're ready, it's okay."

    "Alright I got your drinks." Cate came back and sat the two drinks in front of the table and threw done two straws some straws. "What can I get for you guys to eat?"

    "Just a medium cheese pizza please."

    "I'll get right on it."

     Kara took a moment to Gaze into Lena's eyes. She reached out and grasped Lena's hand, doing her best to hold it tightly, without holding it too tightly.

    "I love you Lena Luthor."

   "I love you Kara Zor-el." She almost always said Kara Danvers.

    "Zor-El?" Kara questioned the change.

     "I know who you really are, not Supergirl," She said in a hushed tone, "not Kara Danvers. But Kara Zor-El, the forever optimist, stayed hopeful even after she thought both her parents had died with the rest of her planet. Who was raised by a scientist father and a politician mother. I know who that person is now, not your dual identities but the person you are in your heart. The person Alex knows, and Winn knows, and Nia knows. Now I know all of you, deep down."

To the ones we loveKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat