Break through

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          "Ok, here's the remote with the Braille buttons if you wanna watch tv. I also got your Braille books if you wanna practice reading them. I also got you this." She pulled out what appeared to be a rubik's cube, but instead of different colors it had different textures, all scrambled up. She handed it to Lena. "I thought you might like the challenge."
            "Thank you Kara, but I will be ok for a day. Besides, the world needs supergirl." Lena felt a brush of wind on her face as her girlfriend flew away.
           Kara felt good being supergirl again, putting on the cape, but it did remind her of the night that Lena almost died. She closed her eyes and imagined what it would be like to give up her sight, she wouldn't be able to be Supergirl, her other powers would never fully make up for the deficit. She would do it for Lena, she would do it in a heartbeat.
          Kara landed in the lobby. "Are we any closer to catching Lex?" She didn't even greet anyone.
          "Welcome back Supergirl." J'onn greeted her anyway. 
          "Thank you, but I really wanna catch the bastard who did this." She shoved him off.
          "So far we can't seem to find any dirt on Lex, our best hope as of now, is to find Henley." Alex and Dreamer came forward.
    Dreamer stepped in, "If we can find Henly, we may be able to link the hits to Lex."
    "We have to find him, I can't tell Lena this, but I had her come stay with me to protect her. Lex wanted her dead for a reason and he isn't going to stop now, not until she's dead."
    "Yeah, what does she know?" Nia asked.
    "I don't know, I haven't been able to have that conversation. It just seems to soon, she's still trying to cope with the loss of her sight, and the fact that she still isn't as mobile as she could be."
    "You need to, there is a reason that Lex wanted Lena dead." J'onn told her.
    "I know, I know, I'll talk to her tonight." Kara didn't want to, but they needed that information, besides it was the only way that she could help.
    "Hey when is her next surgery?" Nia asked.
    "Two weeks from tomorrow."
    "Is she showing any occipital lobe function improvement?" This was Brainy's way of asking if she had gotten any of her sight back.
    "Nope, she's still fully blind, but it is still possible for her to regain some of her sight."
    "Well, I wish you two good luck." Alex said, "But we still have work to do. Brainy have you found anything tracking Lex's location?"
    "No, he has plenty of public appearances, so many I wonder where he fits all the killing in--wait..." Brainy turned to the keyboard and stopped focusing on anyone else.
    "Brainy, what is it?"
    "I just did some calculations, and there is no way that lex was in all these places. He may have been able to travel from place to place, sleep and eat, but there is only a 2.4% chance that he is actually in all these places, in the past three weeks."
    Alex looked over Brainy's shoulder, "It's almost like he's trying to create an alibi for himself, but how did he do it?"
    "I'm not sure." Brainy returned to his work. The day was long and boring, and Supergirl did do some regular run of the mill rescuing, but she couldn't wait to get back to Lena. Brainy was working hard on coming up with a solution, and Nia was covering at Catco. Alex was working with J'onn on hunting down Al, so Supergirl was working on keeping the rest of the city safe. They all agreed that if Supergirl were to disappear for too long, people would get restless, and crime rates would sky-rocket. So around 3 she had been away from Lena for seven hours, that was the longest that she had been away since that first day at the hospital.
    "Hey J'onn I'm calling it a night." She said, while flying through the air, over the comms.
    "Good, go home to Lena, Supergirl. There will always be more people to save." So she took a swan dive to her own apartment.
    She went in gently, trying not to cause too much alarm, but when Lena heard landing on the balcony she had complete faith it was Kara, Lex would just knock down the front door. "Kara." She said out loud, keeping her finger on the page, not wanting to lose her spot.
    "Lena, how did you do? Was it too boring?" The rubiks cube was solved, and she had a braille book sprawled open on her lap, with her legs still propped up in their metal cages. Lena was amazed how quickly she adapted, she always knew that her fingertips has thousands and thousands of nerve receptors capable of picking up the tiniest pressure, but she was never able to actually tell what anything she was feeling was, but now she can actually make letters out of those tiny little feelings, and she was getting faster.
    "No, the reading was quite enjoyable, and I'm getting faster. I may have taken a few steps..."
    "It was fine, I needed to use the bathroom. It was easier to walk!"
    Kara couldn't stay mad at her. She smiled brightly, and Kara gave her a kiss.
     "Hey Lena, I need to ask you something."
     "Anything, What's up?"
     "Well we both know that Lex doesn't make moves without a strategy."
     "Your point?"
     "Well, he must have had a reason for wanting to kill you. You must know something that is detrimental to his mission."
     "I'm telling you Kara, I don't know anything. We already thwarted his first plan. What do you know, maybe I'm just not sure what I know."
     "Well, we know that somehow he is in multiple places at one time."
     "Oh. My. God. I know what it is."
     "What?" Kara held onto Lena's hand.
     "Do you remember when Bizzaro was in the city? I was in Metropolis at the time, but Maxwell Lord figured out how to strip someone of their DNA, and flood them with new DNA. No one was able to figure out how he did it, but Lex was working on it. I bet he figured it out, he knows how to create clones out of other people. They share the same DNA, but not the same memories, like blank slates."
     Kara kissed her girlfriend, "You really are a genius."

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