Things fall Together

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About a year later...

   Brainy pulled away and Nia smiled, the hint of his lips still lingering. They were the only ones there right now, and this was an event they had been waiting for forever, and they wanted to enjoy it.

    The first knock on the door was Alex and Kelly. The girls came in with flowers and a get well soon balloon.

    "I know you're not technically sick, but no one had a balloon that said congrats on your kidney, hope you don't reject it! So we went with Get Well Soon." Kelly explained as she put down the vase of flowers, and the balloons on the nightstand. Nia actually giggled, no longer hiding in her shadow.

   "We thought you needed something to celebrate the occasion."  Brainy was already in one hospital chair, and Alex quickly occupied the second, Kelly leaned on the arm of her girlfriends chair.

   Kara and Lena were the next to walk in, and they were a sight to be seen. Lena wore a pencil skirt, showing off her long and crooked scars to the world, but she also wore black pumps and didn't falter when walking in them, her arm lopped around Kara's. She wore her hair down, cropped to her shoulders: she seemed to like it better that length and always joked it was easier to manage without her full sight. She wore a maroon blouse and black blazer, clearly having just come back from L corp. She wore her battle scars with an elegance no one else could pull off, and everyone seemed to respect her more for it.

     Next to her was Kara, who also showed a marked difference in her appearance. She wore a pair of black slacks and a mint green sweater over a white collared shirt, that clung tightly to her baby bump. This child had Kara's DNA, so only Kara could carry it, kryptonian strength and all that, besides, it was too soon for Lena still. She just wanted her life back for a bit.

   The two were a perfect pair, contradicting and complimenting each other in every way. Once in the doorway Kara shoved out her left hand, featuring a diamond so big it practically glowed.

   "Oo!" Nia squealed.

"    She finally asked!" Kara exclaimed, as Kelly, Nia, and Kara all examined the diamond together. Alex watched her sister have her moment, she was excited but after all, she did help Lena pick out the ring.

   "Don't worry, we're waiting until after the baby." Lena explained. Kara was already 25 weeks along, and she didn't want to get married just because they had decided to have a baby. This child was theirs, Lena had used their bone marrow to create a child using both of their DNA sequences, not long after Lena got her second cast off. They were wasting no time on making their dreams come true.

     They had no intention of getting married, they were just going to live their lives together, they didn't need some stupid paper to confirm their love for each other, but Lena changed her mind when she saw some couple get married at the park. It wasn't about the fact that there was some piece of paper, it was the commitment, it was the gathering in front of everyone they loved and pledging themselves to each other. That was what it was really about, not some fancy legal sheet of paper.

    Dr. Singh, Emilia, was the next of the group to walk in the room. At this point, she counted as part of the group. She knew Kara's secret after all. She waited for a moment, hovering by the door frame, watching the girls gaze at the ring a little longer.

    "Nia, are we excited?" She watched as everyone backed away, like a party sea for Emilia to get a good look at the patient. She was happy, having worked through a lot of the trauma from the year before, and now she finally felt like it was time to get moving. After she got this kidney, and a little rehab, she could get back in the field and become Dreamer again. That was the person she missed the most, the last piece of her life that needed to fall into place.

"Very!" She finally replied, a smile beaming across her face.

    Emilia noticed the ring and congratulated the two women. After all, it was because of her that Lena would even be able to walk down the aisle. The Doctor took pride in that, but she also loved the knew friends she had made.

     "Okay, well we already went over all the technical stuff, so let's go ahead and get you prepped and ready." A few nurses came in and whisked the bed away, and left the group standing there. This story had started in a hospital room and it would end in one too, but something felt different this time. Rather than everything falling apart, it was starting to fall back together again. 

To the ones we loveWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt