[50] Chaos Seed

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"Oh, it's you. . .where'd you come from?"

Claire turned around to see a man within a stand. Specifically, it was the man she and Alicia had met days prior when they tried to enter the city of Aclair without a card.

She smiled, "That's a secret, mister."

A platform of ice formed beneath her and Vander's feet as they rose into the air, much to the surprise of the man.

"This is always a bit frightening. . ."

"Hold on tight."

Ice crawled upon their feet and froze them to the platform, then, Claire willed the construct forward. As she controlled it, their speed was blistering, and they reached the forest ahead of the city in seconds.

'On the other side of the river.'

A minute or two later, Claire spotted a glistening river cutting through the forest which, on the other side, stood a clearing of emerald grass, as if carved out from the world and made its own space.

Slowly descending on the other side of a bridge, she eyed the shaking boy.

"Well, here we are. . ." She said as she walked forward.

Indeed, as expected, there was a monument. It was a simple one, but it was there. A large white rock, carved perfectly rectangular, stood on the ground with a plank of gold upon its surface.

"Before you remains the memorial of Tam, The Lost Village, decreed as a national site — May the souls of the dead Rest In Peace, avenged by the deaths of those beasts which took their lives." Claire read aloud.

And then, following that paragraph, was a list of more than twenty names.

The boy came to her side, silent, and looked down upon the monument. It was clear he already recognized the site from the shaking of his body, and already recognized the truth, but he still looked.

"Mister Adam. . ." A finger touched the first name, and he remembered.

"Misses Coulson. . ."

The memories of his village came rushing back in waves and torrents that caused him to shudder in reality.

"George. . .Sally. . .Rita. . .Brian. . ." Vander cried as he read those names aloud, his voice shook when he reached the last of his returning memories, "Mom."

His fist clutched.

At that moment, Claire chose to wait in silence—watching. Yet, her thought was shattered as a person popped into existence behind them, stepping upon the emerald grass from nowhere.

"Finally, we meet again," A voice called.

She turned around to see a girl the same height as herself. White hair waved with the low wind, and lavender eyes stared at her own crimson. The girl wore shorts of purple and a top dress-shirt of white that reached her thighs.

". . .who are you?" Claire asked.

"Why don't you let him answer?" She replied.

Vander's eyes widened, "I. . .I know you? I thin. . .k. I'm not sure but, you're familiar?"

He placed a hand to his head, rubbing his temple as his figure blinked in and out of the physical realm. One second, he appeared as a normal human male with flesh and blood. The next moment, he was a ghost with eyes of ethereal blue.

The girl smiled.

"Of course you know me. In that rubble of a village, I saved you from death."

Claire watched as the young boy's figure smashed back into human form.

Ice Queen in Another World V1  [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now