Chapter 5

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I spent the whole weekend preparing for my new job.

Saturday consisted of me going shopping for office clothes. Hailey and Trevor solved my lack of fashion sense. I was planning to go to one or two stores to buy clothes, but no, these two melodramatic imbeciles that I call friends dragged me to every store and suggesting me piles and piles of clothes.

RIP my bank account, I thought.

Thankfully, Forever 21 and Uniqlo had sales. Trevor was like, "Bitch we're gonna have a badass shopping spree today. Amy, prepare your bank account because don't ask me for money; I'm broke as hell."

We were basically hoarding every aisle in the women's section. I got to buy some nice dress shirts and pants from Uniqlo, and I bought more of those and two blazers from Forever 21, in case I need them for an important meeting. Well, for the other stores, I bought a few skirts and some clothes that looked nice or suggested by Hailey and Trevor just to be added to my closet because it's been a long time since I've gone shopping.

After that, we went to Sephora because Hailey wanted to buy makeup. I didn't buy anything there because I've spent a lot of money at this point and two I have nothing to buy for now. Despite Trevors' recent statement, he actually bought me perfume, a costly one. It was the Chanel Coco Mademoiselle perfume. I specifically know this because Amelia loves this perfume a lot, and she lets us, girls, wear it.

I was shocked when Trevor gave me this because it must be crazy expensive, hence the brand itself, but he told me that I deserve a new scent to remind me that I'm officially a working adult. Hailey then surprised me with another perfume, the Dolce & Gabbana Light Blue perfume. I was staring dumbfounded at both of my friends, thinking how did they afford this. I asked them about it, and both of them said, "don't worry about it''. When both of them found out that the other person bought me perfume, they were arguing about whose perfumes smell better until we went to McDonald's for lunch. I ended the argument by telling them that I can use both perfumes for different occasions, though.

The rest of the day went by with us taking naps and watching movies the whole night, more specifically Trevor and I. Hailey had gone on a date with Jake yesterday night. She was very excited and nervous about it since she was informed about it, which is not typical Hailey, but hey, everyone gets nervous on their first date. Since the first time Hailey met Jake at the birthday party, she wouldn't stop talking about him. Trevor went into the protective brother mode when Hailey was leaving the apartment, telling her the typical "if he doesn't treat you good imma punch his face."

On the other hand, I spent my Sunday typing my resume and printing out important documents. Hailey was basically singing every single love song she knows the whole morning, making breakfast for us. The shocking part is that Hailey was so happy that she didn't snap or get annoyed by Trevor's daily teasing. I kind of felt bad for Trevor because annoying Hailey is his favorite thing to do, and he failed.

Asking about how the date went, Hailey was practically blushing when telling us the whole thing. I was happy for her because I've never seen Hailey like this before, and Jake seemed like a great guy. She also said she's going on a second date with him next weekend, and she was practically squealing the whole ordeal.

I made some Aglio olio for lunch, and both of them loved it. Being the foodie he is, Trevor ate half of it and complained at me for not making enough food for the three of us. I swear to God, Trevor is basically the Food god in my life.

And then something weird happened. I was washing the dishes when I heard the doorbell ring. I opened the door to a bouquet of white roses in front of me.

Confused, I took the bouquet and looked for any address, but there was nothing on it. Despite it, the roses smelled really good, and I couldn't get my nose away from them. These roses looked expensive, and since there's no return address, I brought them inside. As I was walking into my apartment, a small card fell. I picked it up, and the card read, "Good luck, Angel."

Good luck? Did this person know that I got myself a new job? How did this person know this?

So many questions were running in my head at the moment. Is someone stalking me? Is that why I felt like someone was watching me a few days ago? My brain tells me not to bring it inside, but my heart says it bring it in, which is understandable because how could I leave these beautiful white roses in front of my apartment. It's not like there's an address or anyone's name attached to it.

Bringing it inside, I placed the bouquet on the counter and checked if it had any micro-cameras in it because anything shady can happen in this technologically advanced time and the paranoia of me having a stalker was still there. Since there's nothing like that in it, I took the roses and placed them in the counter's small vase.

This is the weirdest thing that has ever happened to me in a while.

After that, I carried on my day cleaning the apartment, but the thought of who might've sent me those flowers or who were the flowers for was in the back of my head.

"Girl, you bought some flowers?" asked Hailey.
"N0, obviously. I found it in front of the apartment just now. There was no return address on it, so I brought it inside."
"Well, was it placed literally outside our door?"
"Yeah. Someone rang the doorbell just now. When I went to the door to see, I saw the roses at the door. The interesting part is that a card read 'Good luck angel' makes me wonder if they know about my job or if someone's stalking me. I checked the bouquet for cameras, but there was none," I replied.
" I think it might be a misplacement or something. But hey, at least we got a free bouquet of roses."

After dinner, which was just pizza, by the way, Trevor was doing his assignment, and Hailey was talking to Jake while I was reading To All the Boys I've Loved Before. Even though I've watched the movie on Netflix, I was super immersed in the book because I'm a sucker for romance novels.

I have my interview tomorrow, so I went to my closet and took a baby blue dress shirt and a dark grey pencil skirt. I ironed my clothes and changed into my pajamas. I set the alarm for 6 am and went to bed.

All I thought until I fell asleep was about my new job and how I would cope with working in a new environment, given that I am a socially awkward person. I also didn't forget about those flowers too.

For those who are reading this, I'm really sorry for posting one chapter per week. I have two important exams in a span of two months and the second one is actually next week. I will post more chapters per week after my exams.

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