Chapter 11

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"We're watching Titanic first."

"Nope. The Notebook."

"How about Me Before You?"

"Ugh, can you guys pick something to watch first? It's been 15 minutes," Amelia said in frustration.

My best friends and I are currently in the living area picking a good movie to start a romance movie marathon; Chelsea included. Now you will be wondering what will happen when Chelsea knows about my friendship with Amelia. When I asked Amelia about this, she assured me that everything would be fine. Chelsea was shocked to see her boss in my apartment as she walked in. Amelia then explained to her about our friendship. Hailey and Trevor introduced themselves to Chelsea, and they instantly clicked.

Two weeks went by swiftly at work. Hunter always assigns me tasks directed by Mr. Sanders, and I still finished them within the timeline. Even Mr. Sanders himself came to my office and praised me for my dedication towards the job a few days ago. I've also made some new friends too at work, apart from Chelsea and Hunter. Everyone in the IT Department has been friendly to me so far. Everyone in the department is cooperative also. No wonder Lockwood Enterprises is successful.

Back to the movie marathon, I was in the kitchen making popcorn when Trevor yelled, "Amy, we've picked The Notebook. I hope that's okay with you."

"Yeah sure. I don't mind," I replied.

I brought the popcorn that I made to the living area and sat in the middle of my friends. Trevor instantly grabbed a handful of popcorn, and hastily ate it. The movie started a few minutes later.

After nearly six hours, finishing five movies, I felt drained. I looked at my phone to see that it was 1 am. Thank God it's the weekend. Turning to either side, I see Chelsea with dried tears on her face, Amelia and Hailey sound asleep, and Trevor looking at his phone. I let them sleep on the couch as Chelsea, and I went to my room to sleep.

As I was sleeping, I had a dream. Not an ordinary one, but it was unique.

I was running from something. I turned behind to see that something so huge yet scary was chasing me. My adrenaline went up a notch, my heart beating at a rapid pace. I was running and running and running. It was like there was no end to the path I was running. Looking at my surroundings, it was gloomy, similar to when the sky looks before a thunderstorm. There were dead trees along the path I was running. I can't see anyone else in the dream; it's just me and whatever creature that was chasing me.

I went hit a rather hard wall, more like a person's body. The impact petrified me at first, and when I looked up, I saw a pair of stormy grey eyes looking down at me intensely. It was hypnotizing. So hypnotizing until every cell in my body fell captive of those orbs. The grey orbs showed me reassurance, and it made me calm down. My hand involuntarily went up to the persons' face, and before I could feel the owner of those eyes, I got sucked into a hole.

I woke up panting. What was that dream? It was so strange yet mysterious. My head was also pounding as I woke up. It's been a long time since I've slept late since my last exams. I took a quick shower, and I ordered a few chicken sandwiches from McDonald's using Postmates because I'm lazy to do breakfast today. It was 9 am when my friends woke up. All of them looked wrecked due to lack of sleep. I made everyone strawberry smoothies to ease up the peachy mood.

"Hey, shall we go shopping? It's been months since I've properly shopped for clothes," Trevor asked.

"I think we should. It's been boring being cooped up in this apartment," Hailey replied.

The others agreed and started to get ready. I wore a crop top and low rise jeans. I didn't bother to put on my makeup because my face looks glowy with the moisturizer that I applied before the shower. We used Amelia's car to go to the mall.

Hailey and Trevor were getting lots and lots of clothes at every store. I was just window shopping with Chelsea and Amelia; both of them did buy clothes but not as much as the other two. As we were walking, we stumbled across a Sephora store. I remembered instantly remembered the moment when two of my best friends bought me those expensive perfumes and arguing which perfume smells better. I laughed at the thought of that.

It took them a few hours when they finished shopping. I was shocked when Trevor said he shopped for almost $1000. He said that he saved his money for a few months to spend money on clothes. The five of us then went to Chipotle to have lunch. Thank God because I was craving it for a long time.

We also went to Baskin Robins, which was nearby. Ice cream is my favorite dessert of all time. The feel of the ice cream melting on my tongue; it's just something else. Seeing that I love ice cream, I didn't hesitate to have all the available flavors. I ate my ice cream, filled with passion, savoring the taste of every ice cream. The best flavor was, of course, chocolate chip.

After having a good lunch and a rather satisfying dessert, for me at least, we went to drop Chelsea at her apartment. We said our goodbyes at her as she walked in, and we left. It took us approximately 45 minutes to reach home because Chelsea's apartment was quite far from mine. There was traffic too, which was infuriating. Trevor went to his room to nap as soon as we entered the apartment, being the lazy bum he is. The three of us watched TV for the rest of the evening.

After having the second shower of the day, I wore my usual night attire and made my hair into a bun. I was searching for an excellent dish to cook on my phone while walking to the kitchen. I finally found one and started to cook it, considering that I have all the ingredients. My friends loved the dish that I cooked, and I sighed in relief, knowing that I didn't mess anything up as this is my first try.

I went to bed early because I was too exhausted. Lying on my bed, my thoughts into many things; how I am lucky to have this life, great parents, and best friends who love me a lot. Having a sound support system for everything you do is a granted wish from God, hence why I cherish every moment with my loved ones. Since the second year of university, my parents would always ask me if I have a boyfriend or not. I will always answer them the latter, and sometimes they will advise me to get one because apparently, I will be lonely as I age and need a man's support. I said to them that it's not required, and if I need a man's help, I have my dad and Trevor, which is enough for me.

My parents have always told me that love from a significant other is different from anyone else. They told me that it was something pure and beautiful. I always know that love is not for everybody; I included. In this century, everything that matters to everyone is surviving in this world and money. Sexual desires dominate true love nowadays. People don't want long-lasting relationships; instead, they want meaningless one-night stands with different people to satisfy their immediate needs.

But oh boy, I didn't know how more I could be more wrong than that.

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