Chapter 19

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"Why don't you guys take a day off tomorrow if you guys are tired?" Hailey asked Amelia and me as both of us were washing our faces.

"No, girl. I don't know about Amelia, but I can't. I really have to go to work tomorrow," I replied to her.

"Oh, I can't too. I have a meeting discussing a business deal with another company," Amelia said, stepping out of the bathroom.

"Awhh, come on! I have no class tomorrow. Trevor obviously will have classes tomorrow. I don't want to be alone," she said in a sad voice.

"Why don't you spend the day with Jake? Pretty sure he's not going to work tomorrow," Amelia said.

"I mean, I could, but it's been weeks since I've spent time with you guys."

"Well, you could join us for lunch tomorrow. We always go to this diner during lunch. I'll send you the location tomorrow," I said to her.

"That's a great idea! Since we're meeting during your lunch break, you should bring the girl, Chelsea, too," she said in a cheerful voice.

"Sure, I'll invite her too," I replied.

As much as this dress was beautiful, it was quite uncomfortable. I literally had to adjust the belt several times throughout the event.

I changed into a T-shirt and shorts. My body felt free after changing. I was hanging my dress in my closet as a thought crossed my mind.

Where is Trevor?

He did tell me that he will be late tonight, but it's currently 10 pm. Trevor had come home late before when he had a project to do, but he would always arrive home before 9 pm. This made me quite worried. I quickly went to the dining table, where I kept my phone.

I grabbed my phone and called him, but he didn't answer. Now, I'm more worried. Then, another thought came to my mind.

There was one day, the four of us set up something on our smartwatches. It was a feature where if we fell anywhere and didn't move for 20 seconds, the watch would call emergency services and close contacts set up, in this case, Amelia, Hailey, and me.

Even though any one of us didn't get any alerts, I was still worried. I called him a second time, but again, Trevor didn't answer.

Amelia sensed my concern and stood beside me.

"What's wrong? Why you seem worried?" she asked in a concerning voice.

"It's Trevor. He said he would come home late tonight, but it's really late, and he is not answering," I replied in a worried tone.

"Amy, relax. He might be on his way right now. He might have lost track of time," she calmed me.

Despite her reasoning, I still felt worried, and I had this weird gut feeling like something was wrong. Just as I was about to call him for the third time, the doorbell rang.

I felt relieved as I heard that. I ran to the door and opened it.

"Trevor, why didn't you answer my calls? Did you know how I-" I became speechless as I saw Trevor being unconscious in Mr.Durante's arms. My eyes watered at sight in front of my eyes. He had bandages everywhere, and half of his face was covered.

"Amy, before you want to say anything, we have to put him on his bed first. Then, we'll tell you what happened," Mr.Durante said and entered the apartment.

I opened the door of Trevor's room, and Mr.Durante went in and placed him gently on his bed, then tucking him in. He came out of the room afterward, letting out a huff, and rubbed his temple.

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