Chapter 17

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"Here is your venti sized Caramel Macchiato. Have a nice day," the barista said while handing me my drink.

I walked out of Starbucks back to my apartment.

I left my parent's house yesterday. Both of them pleaded with me to extend my stay, but I had work the next day. I did send an email to Hunter that I would be a little late for work, and he replied, saying that was okay. I felt irresponsible for coming late for work after a short time working there, but I need enough sleep for me to work properly.

When I was driving back to my apartment, Hunter called me because he needed my assistance with something. I wondered what he was doing on a Sunday; perhaps it's his position that makes him have many responsibilities. Well, I went to my office and came back late in the evening, feeling exhausted.

Coming back to now, I quickly went to my car and drove to my workplace. The weather was quite chilly today, despite the sun brightly shining in the sky. I took my bag and walked into this colossal establishment that I call my workplace.

Upon reaching my destination, I went to the reception desk to greet Chelsea, just like always.

"Hey, Chelsea."

"Hey, girl. I see that someone's late today," she said with a smug expression on her face.

"Yeah, I came back from visiting my parents yesterday. I was so tired. I told Hunter that I will be coming late."

"I mean, it's not that anyone's gonna notice. Everyone is busy and so invested in their work recently."

"Indeed. See you later, bye."

We waved to each other, and I went to my office. I saw my desk was a little messy, so I decided to tidy it up after placing my stuff. As I was doing so, I heard the door opening.

"Hey, Amy. Can I come in?" I heard Hunter asking me.

"Yeah, sure," I said, looking at him.

"I'm sorry that I called you yesterday. I was really desperate for help and you instantly came to mind."

"No, it's okay. I don't mind helping you actually."

He sighed in relief and said, "I'm glad you're not mad at me."

I saw him holding a stack of papers.

"What are those papers on your hand?" I asked him.

"Oh yeah, about that. This is your latest task. You are required to check for any bugs or improvements that should be made in the code. You are free to make drastic improvements even such as changing the entire framework of the code," he said while handing me the paperwork.

"Okay. That's all I have for you. Good luck," he said and walked out of my office.

I looked at the paperwork, studying what it was about. This looks harder than I thought. Nevertheless, I started to do my task till lunch.

Despite the large amount of brainpower that I used to debug and improvise one little section of the code, I loved doing it. I've always been like this since I was first starting to have an education in the first place. Throughout my schooling years, I would always volunteer myself to do hard questions regardless of any subject. I don't know; something in me becomes excited when I do something that needs a whole lot of thinking.

I was too immersed in my work when I got a phone call. I looked at my phone to see it's Chelsea.

"Hey, girl. Miss.Lockwood called me to inform you to go to her office now," she said through the phone.

What does Amelia want now? I have to finish this task.

Sighing, I said, "Oh, thanks for telling me, girl."

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