Chapter 12

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"Bye, guys. I need to go," I said, closing the door behind me and went to my car.

Hunter had called me yesterday evening telling me that I have to arrive at work early today. He didn't tell me why, though.

I turned my head to Starbucks, realizing that I didn't need my daily dose of caffeine today because I had made some ginger tea this morning.

As I arrived at my department's floor, I saw Hunter and Mr.Sanders at the reception table.

"Good morning Mr.Sanders, Mr.Adams. Is there anything that requires my early presence today?" I asked them.

"Yes, Miss. Roberts. You see, we train every employee in this company to be a leader. One of the initiatives is that we will invite the new employee to our company's general meeting. Their involvement in the meeting is a chance for them to know what it's like to be in a general meeting. Also, they'll be able to give suggestions for various topics based on their knowledge to instill confidence in them."

I nodded as he said.

"We will do this after a month or two after their employment, basically when they got used to the environment here, but I believe you have already surpassed that. Based on your work ethic and determination, I hope you become a good leader. So that is why you are invited to this week's general meeting."

"What time is the meeting, sir?" I asked.

"It's in an hour. Don't worry, Mr.Adams will accompany you to the meeting room."

"Thank you, sir," I said, giving him a polite smile.

"Oh, and by the way, this would be your lucky day because not only we'll be having a general meeting but also a meeting with another company. I expect you to give good opinions during the meeting, Miss.Roberts," he said and walked away, leaving me no room for me to ask questions.

I turned to see that Hunter is gone too. Great.

I went to my office and did the tasks that I left last week. I couldn't do much since there's not much time left for the meeting to start. Honestly, I'm somewhat nervous. I've never met anyone in this building other than people on this floor. Not to mention, Amelia will be there too. I hope her and I don't laugh at our poker faces.

As I was closing my computer, I heard a knock on the door, and I instantly knew that it was Hunter. I took my phone and a notebook and went out of my room.

"Ready to go?" he asked me.

"Yeah," I replied, and we started to head to the meeting room.

We went to the lift and went to the top floor where Amelia's at. The feeling of nervousness in me was increasing as we were going there. We walked into the meeting room to see Amelia and her assistant seated at the table. Mr.Sanders wasn't there yet. I believe there were also a few more people, the head of different departments and their assistants.

I sat beside Hunter as Amelia shot me a glare, signaling me to come to sit beside her. I shook my head, but she didn't budge. Sighing, I excused myself from Hunter and went to sit there.

"Listen to your boss if she orders you to do something next time, Miss. Roberts," Amelia said with a fake stern expression.

I went up to her ear and whispered, "No problem, Miss. Lockwood."

"We are completely professional right now, aren't we," she jokingly said.

"Indeed," I replied.

I turned from Amelia to see that everyone has arrived, whispering to each other. The meeting is going to start in a moment.

Amelia looked at her watch, and since it was already time, she got everyone's attention and started speaking.

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